I read and enjoy your chart views with interest but feel that they are somewhat ineffective when applied to the likes of ARM, BLM, LOG, BHM, CTM etc etc. These are heavyweight stocks when it comes to daily volumes and are always in vogue and moreover totally Naz reactionary.
eg: LOG from £15 to £17 in last few days in spite of chart views.
I would much prefer and I think it would be more help to all if your next study was on a FTSE 250 - non tech stock.
This is only my personal view and if others are happy with your choices just ignore me, I'll read 'em just the same.
Good Luck
PS. I am day trading just three stocks at the moment LOG, CTM, BHM. but am interested in EMA (all time low) AGS (oversold) and HAS. Any views on these would be appreciated.
I read and enjoy your chart views with interest but feel that they are somewhat ineffective when applied to the likes of ARM, BLM, LOG, BHM, CTM etc etc. These are heavyweight stocks when it comes to daily volumes and are always in vogue and moreover totally Naz reactionary.
eg: LOG from £15 to £17 in last few days in spite of chart views.
I would much prefer and I think it would be more help to all if your next study was on a FTSE 250 - non tech stock.
This is only my personal view and if others are happy with your choices just ignore me, I'll read 'em just the same.
Good Luck
PS. I am day trading just three stocks at the moment LOG, CTM, BHM. but am interested in EMA (all time low) AGS (oversold) and HAS. Any views on these would be appreciated.