Feedback to T2W


Legendary member
Shouldn't there be a right to reply or object to being banned etc. ?
I mean this is the age of democracy AND transparency isn't it ?
Stronger for it too !!
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Shouldn't there be a right to reply or object to being banned etc. ?
I mean this is the age of democracy AND see through manoeuvres isn't it ?
Stronger for it too !!

AFAIK when you are banned you still can send pms , which mean you can contact the mods and object as you wish no one is stopping you .
AFAIK when you are banned you still can send pms , which mean you can contact the mods and object as you wish no one is stopping you .

maybe that would be right on a short term ban, possibly? I don't know.

but a permanent ban would shut anyone down as far as the pm's are concerned, they'll get a no permission message if they try to write a pm. I saw this happen this morning when the pm spammer or whatever her name was got canned 😆

banned members will most likely pester admin via email to beg and plead to be let back in. or more usual just try create another profile.
I shall write in my diary
I shall quell my natural exuberance or I might be banned again.

Felicitations to the Chief and his merry men.

Another point of order Mr. Speaker.
If one starts a thread and it is being overtaken by a disruptive and insulting member can one have his posts eliminated from the thread ?
Last time I went head to head with him he complained and I got banned for a month. Perhaps put his posts into a separate thread under his name ?

Look forward to your reply.
Are his posts excruciating pedantry of the first order?
An overflow of almost autistic-grade OCD over trivial points?
(Hillary is still going to win)
OK, my curiosity is killing me. What's he done?

Hi Splitt,
One tries to have an interesting debate/conversation , in this case US politics, when the other party just name calls and tries on some sort of home made logic dogma a lot, to ruin the thread.
Sort of annoying. He hasn't made many points of interest that I recall. Just because he claims to live in the US doesn't make him an instant expert. If he knows better, then that's ok he should make his point without the put downs.
Have a read of the thread The Next US President and tell us what you think.
Hi Splitt,
One tries to have an interesting debate/conversation , in this case US politics, when the other party just name calls and tries on some sort of home made logic dogma a lot, to ruin the thread.
Sort of annoying. He hasn't made many points of interest that I recall. Just because he claims to live in the US doesn't make him an instant expert. If he knows better, then that's ok he should make his point without the put downs.
Have a read of the thread The Next US President and tell us what you think.

Enough said. I know who you are talking about. 😀