eSignal version 7.7 is now available

eSignal Support

Junior member
eSignal 7.7 was officially released today. Read more about it here.

The all new embedded Symbol Search engine is worth getting 7.7 by itself. Searches over 90 exchanges and 600,000+ symbols and you can search by key words, use wildcards, sort by symbol type and much more. Look-up stocks, futures, forex, indicies, etc. We've had many requests to make looking-up symbols easier so we're delighted to have released this new feature in 7.7

If you want to be notified when each new official release is posted (not beta versions), simply "subscribe" to the above referenced thread and you'll get an email each time a new official release is available (need to join the eSignal Central Forums in case you haven't already).

I am in week 3 of a months trial with eSignal.

I trade FX.

Several times a week, eSignal FX charts produce spikes and other odd moves, which only show up in their FX charts. The FX feed seems ultra sensitive.

The above has been discussed on this (see FX section) and various other forums. Very nice charts, though if they do not reflect the correct action, they become totally worthless.

Also seconds before the US interest rate announcement the platform crashed and was down for at least 15 mins.
hagadol said:
I am in week 3 of a months trial with eSignal.

I trade FX.

Several times a week, eSignal FX charts produce spikes and other odd moves, which only show up in their FX charts. The FX feed seems ultra sensitive.

The above has been discussed on this (see FX section) and various other forums. Very nice charts, though if they do not reflect the correct action, they become totally worthless.

Also seconds before the US interest rate announcement the platform crashed and was down for at least 15 mins.

Hi Hagadol,

On the issue of spiked FX data, this is due to the a bad contributor to the consolidated feed. We are working on providing the ability to strip out certain providers from the feed, but as yet, I do not have an eta as to when this will be made available. We do have several tools to help filter these spikes. Please check this link for a price filtering tool, or please take a look at this link for our Bar Editor tool.

On this issue the crash you experienced prior to the U.S. Interest Rate announcement. Was this a one time event for you? Have you had other crashes? The complaints we have received in the past on freezing during heavy traffic (Rate annoucements, etc.) is due to resource issues on the user's end. For example, if you had 20 charts open, with half of them tick charts, along with numerous indicators and EFS formulas applied, the system can experience a "freeze" during a spike in traffic. As for crashes during this time period, I haven't heard of that before. Can you tell us a little more about your system and what you had open during this time period?

eSignal Support
Andy or esignal support

I have subscriptions to futures (ym,es and nq) through esignal and also get a price quoted through IB. One thing I have never been able to understand is why is your price always that little bit delayed compared to the Ib price.

I appreciate that it may only be half a second delayd or so, but it makes a lot of diference in terms of a fill especially when scalping in a fast moving market or trying to get on a breakout.

Personally I would like to use the api in esiginal to trade the futures but at the moment I am having to rely on the ib price feed to determine my entry and exit rather than esignal - a little annoying.

Have you been posed this question before?
Are you looking into this allready?
Hi Roma,

We compare our data against anywhere from 6-9 other sources each week to make sure our feed remains timely and reliable. We have tested against IB and have many customers do the same. The results have typically been very positive in terms of eSignal's speed of delivery.

It's possible your internet connection to our servers is not as effective as the path being taken to IB's servers (via the internet). Here's a KB Article we put together on testing internet connections. May want to try Ping and Traceroutes to both eSig and IB and compare results.

eSignal also provide Standard API, but, i could NOT find ANY kind of information about the API.

I want to access the Data Manager, not the eSignal Desktop application.

Please, anyone have info on this ?
eSignal Support

I've been looking at alternative data feeds but pretty much ruled e-signal out because it does not provide UK indices in its basic indices/forex package - or in any of its options so far as I can tell from the web site.

Is this right and if so why?
hagadol said:
I trade FX. Several times a week, eSignal FX charts produce spikes and other odd moves, which only show up in their FX charts. The FX feed seems ultra sensitive ... Very nice charts, though if they do not reflect the correct action, they become totally worthless. Also seconds before the US interest rate announcement the platform crashed and was down for at least 15 mins.
It's a nightmare. For FX, you might try a free trial of ProRealTime. I switched to it after others here recommended it. I'm very happy. (It's also less than a quarter of the price of eSignal).
aviz said:
eSignal also provide Standard API, but, i could NOT find ANY kind of information about the API.

I want to access the Data Manager, not the eSignal Desktop application.

Please, anyone have info on this ?

The Standard API is only available to commericial and institutional developers. Further information about our different API's can be found at the following KnowledgeBase article.
are you sure about that? The Desktop API gives you access to the esignal quote server, you can use it to send calls like 'send me the last 30 days of 1 minute data for <ticker>', you can use it to retrieve current bid/ask type of info, fundamental data for a share, current top 10 lists of gainers/losers/volume (US only), time and sales data.... the data manager isn't something you access, I think you need to express 'what I want' as 'I need these data items' and whether you need current, historical, and/or both.

'The Data Manager' is just a front end to manage your login, I suspect what you actually want is data from the servers, no?

Apologies if this isn't helping, I just have the distinct feeling that you've asked for what you think you want, rather than what you do want, while JayF has answered the question you asked rather than the one you should have asked....for info I use the desktop API and I've got a realtime P&F program running of it quite happily (if not bug free yet <g>) and I doubt 99% of users need more than the ability to grab price/volume/sales data.... as far as I can tell the turbofeed version is really for companies who (a) write their own special trading program and also (b) need to centralise their data input - the turbofeed provides a 'deployable across our whole company' interface for the in house program to use.
