Dow Index

I have an idea that INDU is a Mytrack calculation and DJI is the index itself.

This came about some time ago when Mytrack lost the DOW data and started calculating their own version - but my memory....?

BTW I can get INDU on Sierra
Don't know whether this adds anything but the symbols at LiveCharts are -
INDEX:INDU .. thats the Dow index
CBOT:YM03Z .. thats the mini-Dow Dec. futures.
You need INDU in your TWS. Then in Sierra Chart open a new Intraday Chart with INDU-I-NYSE. This should work for current data. If you want back data (20 days) I can download it from mytrack and e-mail it to you. Send me a private message with your addresss and I'll send it to you when I next log on.

That's fine LDZ. I'll stick that in tomorrow. Not too worried about the history, thanks 😎
Hi, does anyone use the Index Arbitrage Meter that pops up with the INDU chart?