purpose of the thread to discuss the 96 point entry system raised on the IK thread.
<i>Go long on the Dow when it is up 96 points and short when it is down 96 points in any day. Stop if it reverses back through the previous day close and always close at the end of the day (no trades carry over and there are plenty of days with no trades entries). If you back test this you will find it is very profitable. I have not forward tested it. It might not work in the real world but at least it wont break you finding out.</i>
Excel spreadsheet of backtest is here spreadsheet
<i>I have found that usually i will get the entry point within a point or 2. The exit is at actual close so no spread if trading daily cash. Today I missed the entry by 5 points (target entry was 9878, actual entry was 9883). On occasions you will beat the entry price by a few points so I'm usually not too bothered if I'm within a few points. To be honest you can enter a couple of points earlier and this will more than compensate for the spread and slippage. The danger with entering too early is that there is more probability of a reversal.</i>
<i>Go long on the Dow when it is up 96 points and short when it is down 96 points in any day. Stop if it reverses back through the previous day close and always close at the end of the day (no trades carry over and there are plenty of days with no trades entries). If you back test this you will find it is very profitable. I have not forward tested it. It might not work in the real world but at least it wont break you finding out.</i>
Excel spreadsheet of backtest is here spreadsheet
<i>I have found that usually i will get the entry point within a point or 2. The exit is at actual close so no spread if trading daily cash. Today I missed the entry by 5 points (target entry was 9878, actual entry was 9883). On occasions you will beat the entry price by a few points so I'm usually not too bothered if I'm within a few points. To be honest you can enter a couple of points earlier and this will more than compensate for the spread and slippage. The danger with entering too early is that there is more probability of a reversal.</i>