Does anyone remember Joel Rensink?


Hi all,
I used to follow this guy's trades called 'One Night Stand' and 'First Strike.'

Does anyone know if Joel still publishes these?
Hi all,
I used to follow this guy's trades called 'One Night Stand' and 'First Strike.'

Does anyone know if Joel still publishes these?

Is that the guy that was "TheRealThing" on forex factory?
Is that the guy that was "TheRealThing" on forex factory?

No idea, can't remember how I came across him years ago. He was trading 5 trades every week with a mission to take, I think 5k, and turn it into 500k by compounding over 10 years or something.

The trades were emailed out to subs, I followed them on a dummy oanda account for a year with success. I was hoping he was still running this but his original blog is not updated for a while.
A bit late for the party I know.

Joel is most likely not a very profitable trader.

There have been numerous backtests of his various systems, they are not making money, maybe they did at one point, but not in a long time, which is probably why he does not update his blog much.

There are plenty of clues that TRT and Peter Crowns are the same person if you read the DIBS thread carefully enough, and a few other sock puppets who pop-up with words of encouragement any time enough posters are questioning the results.

He posted for a while on an internet marketing forum. He actually made a post describing how to make money writing on a subject you know about which pretty much outlined what he was doing with his site and the newsletters. He also explained he was also a trader but had not made money for a while.

It's all an elaborate marketing gig. Granted the silver call was amazingly well timed, as well a call he made on sugar a few years earlier, don't know how to explain that.

No axe to grind, I just followed the dude a long time, don't waste your time the way I wasted mine. I don't have time to dig out all the evidence, just take my word for it :)

Oh yes, he also runs some kind of hedge fund:

Well I guess it is turning a profit at least.
A bit late for the party I know.

Joel is most likely not a very profitable trader.

There have been numerous backtests of his various systems, they are not making money, maybe they did at one point, but not in a long time, which is probably why he does not update his blog much.

There are plenty of clues that TRT and Peter Crowns are the same person if you read the DIBS thread carefully enough, and a few other sock puppets who pop-up with words of encouragement any time enough posters are questioning the results.

He posted for a while on an internet marketing forum. He actually made a post describing how to make money writing on a subject you know about which pretty much outlined what he was doing with his site and the newsletters. He also explained he was also a trader but had not made money for a while.

It's all an elaborate marketing gig. Granted the silver call was amazingly well timed, as well a call he made on sugar a few years earlier, don't know how to explain that.

No axe to grind, I just followed the dude a long time, don't waste your time the way I wasted mine. I don't have time to dig out all the evidence, just take my word for it :)

Oh yes, he also runs some kind of hedge fund:

Well I guess it is turning a profit at least.
Connection to warrior / foundation not clear to me. Any evidence?


I am not familiar with the warrior foundation, but that is Joel's profile on the warrior internet marketing forum. Have you read through the posts? If you are familiar with Joel's postings on Forex Factory, Investors Club and other places it will clear to you.

darkonetoo said:
Hi David-

I'm glad you've been researching my favorite occupation.

My recommendation: Don't risk very much!

I've been trading forex (living off it) for over 20 years;the late 80's to 2003 using futures contracts, and forex since then because of higher leverage and flexible position sizes.

There are no real short-cuts to trading successfully. There are market probabilities that can be utilized to get a strong edge. Like - trading high probability breakouts.

They aren't sexy, but they do work, if you use precise money management.

Fap Turbo does not work reliably, and the other posters above are correct about NO PROFESSIONALS using ea's.

There must be good reasons. (I trade for a Chicago hedge fund and absolutely no autotrading is allowed)

Best of success to you.


darkonetoo said:
Nice to hear from a fellow trader. Glad you are still alive.

I've been trading futures (my sole occupation, with IM a valuable sideline) for 20+ years, bonds, currencies (now forex); owned a seat for 8 years..., yes the markets were challenging the last few days / weeks.

2007 and 2008 were great, 2009 barely was worth spending all the time, effort and $1,000 a month for quotes, etc.

Fear is very useful to trade against. It guarantees profits for my style. Today was pretty good in the metals (silver & gold). Haven't seen a daily $1.00/oz upmove in silver in years. Glad I had some. Never have enough on when the moves are big.


blah blah blah
I love this:

darkonetoo said:
Hi fellow Warrior-

I've been making a living online for over 10 years now. The best forum for learning Internet Marketing for the least cost is obviously here, the Warrior Forum.

I have numerous websites, but the best results (return vs. effort) I've ever had are with blogs. Write about something that people are passionately interested in. Give them a compelling reason to exchange their email for some product-- preferably a newsletter that provides MOSTLY seriously high value content, and very little sales copy (<5%).

They will love you and pay you whatever you request for your offers. But, again, only if you have given them GREAT value before-- over and over.

The only downside is, you (or someone you control) must come up with suitable content a few times a week.

There are many harder ways to make a living online, but almost none better.

Sorry to bang on, this is reminding me of all sorts of stuff I came across.

Many people complained they were not able to replicate Joels results by following his newsletter. He keeps everything low key ("and very little sales copy (<5%)"), but if you read carefully he occasionally mentions he uses a money management/position sizing formula which he is not able to share.

I wonder how many requests for info that generated among his more observant followers? I wonder how much it would have taken for him to part with his algorithm? 5K? 10K? Was trying to find the post, , he mentioned once that by using this algorithm some of his "clients" were able to increase their profits xx%.

He is a very smooth operator.

He also offered courses in Vegas for his system "the London Squeeze" (also plugged very subtly in a post on his blog). System seller, internet marketer, newsletter writer, and possibly also a forex trader.
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Oh yeah! thanks.
I also checked the hedge fund with manta. $270.000/year with 4 employees, not bad at all, but how trustful are those numbers ?

Well actually I referred to it as a hedge fund, but actually that site says it does "Financial Advisory Services.", could be anything, selling courses and position sizing algorithms for instance.
From Joels blog

"On this topic, I received another nice email from a subscriber: (Below the email is my reply)
One more quick question. With the 50:1 leverage, what is the current (Oanda) unit size that you use?
I understand that you are using your money management algorithm to determine that, but I am just trying to stay close to the result, that you publish. You mention a 0.5% to 4% range for equity risk per trade.
So what % equity risk per trade would give approximately the same result as your blog?
For you to get exactly the same results as my blog you would have to have my exact money management algorithm. Unfortunately for many, that is unavailable except to my professional clients. (Last year a trading company licensed my money management algorithm. It cost them $17,000, based on the size of their trading operation. Additional note: They earned $200K more this year with it than without it, and had 20% smaller drawdowns.)

My position size is based directly proportional to the probabilities of the specific trade I am taking. As I am aware of the precise edge of my systems, I can be much more precise than someone who has the rules for the trade, but not the exact figures for its edge(s).

Advantage is in the advantage.

I understand your wishing to emulate my results. (I personally don't think it is a good idea though, for reasons I will mention a little lower) My best advice is to test the methodology to the degree that satisfies you as to having sufficient edge for you to trade, trade very small for a month or two, and then step up your size as you gain experience. Within a short time you will find a percentage that approximates my gains and losses, probably between .75% and 1.5% per trade."

Hint hint
Also from Joel's bog:

I was contacted by a number of the Magnificent 7, (last month's London Squeeze workshop attendees) they too had outsized winners over the last week and today – in addition to the profitable FirstStrike and OneNightStand trades they took.

Fortunately for them, London Squeeze had similar profits to FirstStrike today. The important difference for the “7” using an additional daily-chart-based method like London Squeeze is – they will have a chance to take some of this day's profits quicker than FirstStrike. Efficiency can be higher, with the only downside being increased frequency of trade.

The Las Vegas London Squeeze workshop on Nov. 1st was a great success! All 11 who attended were exceptional people and I've no doubt will be able to improve their trading results. Just in time. The “Magnificent Seven” -the original class who learned the method- have reported strong gains recently. The diversified markets that we're seeing after the plunges have been exploited handily by London Squeeze.

Hey I offer "workshops" too!
I suspect he created the Peter Crowns account to make the DIBS posts to get peoples interest, Peter mentions he learned everything he knows from TRT (Joel) (in fact he has a quote by TRT in his signature). TRT/Joels profile has a link to his blog.

This leads poeple to Joel's profile who then visit his blog, sign up for his newsletter and get hit with subtle advertising for money management algo's and trading workshops.

Joel also shares his blog url when reviewing trading related books on Amazon.

You have to take you hat off to the guy.
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