Do the liberals want lower taxes, more freedom that the conservative?


Junior member
In my country, the liberals is the blue-rightwing and the conservative is the red-rightwing.
Note that all eight parlament parties is socialdemocratic, but they call them self for liberal, moderate, left etc.
The right parties want 100% imigration to smash and break down the welfare and the left parties want 100% imigration to show how kindly and nice they are....on the peoples taxmoney -_- Thats swedish politics in a nutshell - imigration, muslims, islam etc.

But I wonder why some people say that Democrats is leftwing and the Republicans is rightwing?

Is it not viceversa?
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Hmm... I think google-translator isn't as good as you might have hoped.

The left/right wing comes from the French parliament where the liberals sat on the left and the conservatives sat on the right. It's pretty arbitrary today. I mean, governor hopeful Carl Paladino wanted to resurrect FDR's program to create work camps to put people back to work and everyone called him a nazi. So, far left in 1935 is the new right wing today in America.

I'm not sure exactly what you are saying about Swedish politics, because your English is a little off. But, if your left wing parties are favorable to immigration and welfare, then it's pretty much the same thing here.
The left/right wing comes from the French parliament where the liberals sat on the left and the conservatives sat on the right.

That's true, but through the history left and right wings adopted a lot of movements, which weren't of course supposed to be by them.

Persson121 said:
The right parties want 100% imigration to smash and break down the welfare and the left parties want 100% imigration to show how kindly and nice they are....on the peoples taxmoney

Usually left wing is in opposition to social inequality, that`s why they are for immigrants. But what about taxes... In the same time social programs of the left wing require a lot of money, so taxes supposed to be higher.