Do i have to fsa regulated to....


Junior member
have my own website on which way i think certain indecies like the dow and ftse will go?
it would be a subscription based payment website where by they become a member and recieve alerts ie: when and what price to buy the dow and when and wjat price to sell?? any info would be a huge help
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Just put a disclaimer on.

Disclaimer: I can not be held legally accountable for any advice given on this forum ;)
have my own website on which way i think certain indecies like the dow and ftse will go?
it would be a subscription based payment website where by they become a member and recieve alerts ie: when and what price to buy the dow and when and wjat price to sell?? any info would be a huge help

Jason - Its strange you are bothering to enquire about FSA registration when, as you say elsewhere on the site, your system has returned 1637% in 4 years. If its so successful, why bother with selling the signals? Starting with just £1,000 today, you will be a millionaire in 10 years and a billionaire in 20. Just go ahead and do it. I can guarantee you won't become a billionaire from selling chart signals.
Jason - Its strange you are bothering to enquire about FSA registration when, as you say elsewhere on the site, your system has returned 1637% in 4 years. If its so successful, why bother with selling the signals? Starting with just £1,000 today, you will be a millionaire in 10 years and a billionaire in 20. Just go ahead and do it. I can guarantee you won't become a billionaire from selling chart signals.

Jason - Its strange you are bothering to enquire about FSA registration when, as you say elsewhere on the site, your system has returned 1637% in 4 years. If its so successful, why bother with selling the signals? Starting with just £1,000 today, you will be a millionaire in 10 years and a billionaire in 20. Just go ahead and do it. I can guarantee you won't become a billionaire from selling chart signals.

But Tommo - there is no effort involved in taking peoples signals; no long hours of studying markets, charts, books, courses, practice, discussion etc. All one has to do is be sober enough and have enough neural activity to act upon the purchased signal. Then, once the signal is acted upon, the purchaser can go back to sleep or continue digging fluff from his navel.:LOL:
But Tommo - there is no effort involved in taking peoples signals; no long hours of studying markets, charts, books, courses, practice, discussion etc. All one has to do is be sober enough and have enough neural activity to act upon the purchased signal. Then, once the signal is acted upon, the purchaser can go back to sleep or continue digging fluff from his navel.:LOL:

Ia gree, taking money for signals is risk-free money for old rope. That's why signal vendors should be treated with greatest caution - because what they sell does not have to be fit for purpose. And its much easier to create something that is unfit for purpose than something that really works. If jason's signals really work as well as he says, he has no need to sell them. In fact, at his stated return on investment, every minute he spends dealing with signal buyers is wasting time en route to becoming a millionaire.

Of ocurse, if they don't work, his only option is to sell them to mugs.

Which do you think is the more likely here?
Eh? Where did this guys holy grail chaser thread go? :confused:

good question.....i was wondering the same thing? I started a thread last night also that has vanished!
btw- I am not saying it is the holy grail I am asking what your oppinions are, I like everyone else would love to find a way to profit from their own system they have put together.
With this particular system I will be watching is based on weekly charting formula so the trades are open for months on end so its not one of these things where you need to be in front of the comp all day long..... lazy i guess and i like it like that :)
Did you take my thread off?
Hot tip for you - well, two actually:
1. Stay on the right side of the Mod's. Trust me when I say that it's an uncomfortable place to be if you end up in their bad books!
2. To do 1. above, you need to familiarise yourself with the Site Guidelines.
What do you think regulation or regulatory bodies would do for you? Why don't you just put a disclaimer on your site and and go ahead to make you cool cash online. Regulation does not exist anymore.

Replying to a three year old scammers thread !