L lockstock Well-known member Messages 400 Likes 4 Nov 30, 2003 #1 Just a look where we might be heading this week. Think the Index will find it hard to get past the inverted hammer shown here on the Dialy cash & marked with an elipse also notice the Doji for Friday Attachments dax performance index.gif 20.7 KB · Views: 993 Last edited: Dec 1, 2003
Just a look where we might be heading this week. Think the Index will find it hard to get past the inverted hammer shown here on the Dialy cash & marked with an elipse also notice the Doji for Friday
B bonsai Veteren member Messages 4,106 Likes 11 Nov 30, 2003 #2 I have 3760 as the first hurdle and s/t overbought.
T tradesmart Experienced member Messages 1,286 Likes 22 Nov 30, 2003 #3 If I was a bull, I'd think about going long............! 😉 Attachments 30-11-03.jpg 87 KB · Views: 907 Last edited: Nov 30, 2003
L lockstock Well-known member Messages 400 Likes 4 Nov 30, 2003 #4 Bonsai Yep I've got 3760 as first resistance. Line of resistance from Nov 7th. TS There's room for it to move up to 3790, cannot see it surpassing that, imho. Nice clearly defined divergences on the chart you've posted - RSI/price
Bonsai Yep I've got 3760 as first resistance. Line of resistance from Nov 7th. TS There's room for it to move up to 3790, cannot see it surpassing that, imho. Nice clearly defined divergences on the chart you've posted - RSI/price
L lockstock Well-known member Messages 400 Likes 4 Dec 1, 2003 #5 Well still dithering whether to take a long at 3 mins to 8am, now gone small short. There is a small gap at 745-752 on the cash chart
Well still dithering whether to take a long at 3 mins to 8am, now gone small short. There is a small gap at 745-752 on the cash chart
B bonsai Veteren member Messages 4,106 Likes 11 Dec 1, 2003 #6 lol if you don't like overhead resistance - just gap up through it ! no problem next I think is 3824. that might prove a bit more difficult.
lol if you don't like overhead resistance - just gap up through it ! no problem next I think is 3824. that might prove a bit more difficult.
L lockstock Well-known member Messages 400 Likes 4 Dec 1, 2003 #7 Well S&P at res. INDU lagging. DAX just come hit it's recent high 3810. I am short @ 804 & 787. Attachments dax performance index.gif 13.1 KB · Views: 867
B bonsai Veteren member Messages 4,106 Likes 11 Dec 1, 2003 #8 .. Attachments dax.gif 7.5 KB · Views: 828
L lockstock Well-known member Messages 400 Likes 4 Dec 1, 2003 #9 Interesting candle formed on D4F cash 1 day- Evening Star ? I suppose we'll have to wait until the day's trading is finished!! Attachments dax 1 day.gif 37.5 KB · Views: 812
Interesting candle formed on D4F cash 1 day- Evening Star ? I suppose we'll have to wait until the day's trading is finished!!
L lockstock Well-known member Messages 400 Likes 4 Dec 1, 2003 #10 Now flat- small profit -took 792. For that Evening star to stay in place, it's going to have to be a tight trading range today. If it is & does will be back for a big short
Now flat- small profit -took 792. For that Evening star to stay in place, it's going to have to be a tight trading range today. If it is & does will be back for a big short
L lockstock Well-known member Messages 400 Likes 4 Dec 1, 2003 #11 Going nowhere- bands have constricted Attachments dax performance index.gif 12.5 KB · Views: 631
D DaxTrader Active member Messages 229 Likes 2 Dec 1, 2003 #12 Hmmmm lost 10 ticks this morning, thought we would see another push into the highs around the 3821/24 area. Waiting for 3pm now.
Hmmmm lost 10 ticks this morning, thought we would see another push into the highs around the 3821/24 area. Waiting for 3pm now.
B bonsai Veteren member Messages 4,106 Likes 11 Dec 1, 2003 #14 does look as though it needs another boost from somewhere before it can take out the short stops. Nasdaq presumably ? I have futs up +11 at the moment but it seems that is not enough.
does look as though it needs another boost from somewhere before it can take out the short stops. Nasdaq presumably ? I have futs up +11 at the moment but it seems that is not enough.
B bonsai Veteren member Messages 4,106 Likes 11 Dec 1, 2003 #16 I find that markets tend to move to take out stops then they reverse and take out stops at the other end ? and in between they are ambiguous ? lol
I find that markets tend to move to take out stops then they reverse and take out stops at the other end ? and in between they are ambiguous ? lol
L lockstock Well-known member Messages 400 Likes 4 Dec 1, 2003 #18 Just looking at the 50 day EMA & how far this index travels from it in an upward move- at most c.240pts as Elder states at that distance fools value. At present it's not far away from that over stretched position. Attachments dax 1 day.gif 47.8 KB · Views: 557
Just looking at the 50 day EMA & how far this index travels from it in an upward move- at most c.240pts as Elder states at that distance fools value. At present it's not far away from that over stretched position.
jonnyy40 Experienced member Messages 1,329 Likes 11 Dec 1, 2003 #19 4022 (cash) year high,Dow 10440,FTSE 4576.
S seguna Well-known member Messages 266 Likes 9 Dec 1, 2003 #20 DAX Intraday Charts Hello Where can I get the DAX intraday? Is there any site where its available REALTIME for free? I've found FTSE100 on Bigcharts but what is the SYMBOL for the DAX? Also, the FTSE100 is delayed by a few minutes. Cheers
DAX Intraday Charts Hello Where can I get the DAX intraday? Is there any site where its available REALTIME for free? I've found FTSE100 on Bigcharts but what is the SYMBOL for the DAX? Also, the FTSE100 is delayed by a few minutes. Cheers