Data Feeds


Hi all,

My 1st post to this site. I currently use a mixture of TA software including Metastock, AIQ and Aibroker.

I am interested in which Data Feeds other TA trdars use for UK and US data. I currently use Mytrack RT & EOD for both but UK & US markets but UK EOD data quality is poor.

I have used Prestel Citifeed Plus in the past and may well revert again. If anyone else is using Citifeed I would be interested in which version of prices you use and why (Citifeed offers a choice of prices based on actual trades or the mid price of mm quotes - you can download both if you want I guess).

I have tried MyTrack eod- it's a joke! MyTrack RT feed is excellent I've used Prestel Citifeed (OHLC+vol)+ AIQ's weekly updates. Together they cost £90 + £45 I think.I get the odd error once in a blue moon.
Hi Chartman

So which version of Prestel file do you use and why? Trade prices or Mid prices version - or both even!?

Sirs, recently I have been learning more about MP and VWAP and volume and am now questioning my data feed; so is there anyone out there who has rated the reliability of the various data feeds? And yes, I am aware of all the complexities in this but need a place to start. Thank you.