Commission of futures


Established member
I've been swayed by all the eurostox talk on here and I'm setting up a futures account. The broker has quoted me Euro6 per lot for Eurostox - does this sound about right? ( this is for direct electronic access )

I must admit, at euro's 6 I was beginign to think spreadbettign would be cheaper. Euro's 2 sounds good. what do they charge for FTSE? and do they provide live prices?

For direct electronic access you should be able to get a better deal than 12 round trip - as JT mentions IB would probably be ideal for this.
25 years in the City - I've never heard of Interactive Brokers - obviously cheap - are they reliable? efficient? clearing members members of all the relevant exchanges?
Just looked at their demo - they offer direct access to SETS? but I don't think they are a member firm of LSE? This implies they are rebadging soemone else paltform- along with inherent delays and complictations

Hi wayno,

Interactive Brokers just happen to be the biggest broker in the States...

The US financial authority recently stated they were also the most finacially stable.

FTSE futures are £1.70 per side.

Jonny T. Can you tell me what the spread is on I.B. for the FtSE100, DAX & Royal Bank Of Scotland (RBS) Thanks.
ZigZag- sure I'll be corrected- but just being brokers, it'll be the market touch?
Hi Zig-Zag,

The spread is straight from the relevent exchange. For FTSE futures this varies between 0.5 and 2, for the S&P emini 0.25, for the Nasdaq emini 0.5 for the Dow mini generally 1.

Commissions for EuroStoxx and Dax

Commissions for EuroStoxx and Dax I can make for only 4.76 all in Round-Turn. 6 per side seems a little high.