Climate Change

Yeah, he's a popular youtuber, but also quite annoying. He talks about all kinds of ideas and tech, but then never goes on to make full working models. So i'm not sure why he does it tbh. Unless, it's just to bring ideas to the wider audience and make a living from youtube vids.
For anyone interested in this tech, take a look at these guys.
They have small industrial size plants up and running, but nothing for domestic size use. This is the area I will be working on.

A few good vids on their website. Well worth a watch.

Yes I know those fins but that is big stuff, it it the reason I linked the DIY version.
How are you doing it both domestic size and efficent?
Yes I know those fins but that is big stuff, it it the reason I linked the DIY version.
How are you doing it both domestic size and efficent?
Well the plan is to oversize the domestic solar array, which will take care of day to day consumption. But also to charge a conventional battery back up. Then on exceptional days, divert all the excess energy into the sand battery by way of high temperature resistance heating elements. We are only at the start of the project, but I envisage a battery in the range of say 1-5 Mtr cubed. This would be encased in a concrete bund and insulated. The whole structure would be below ground. Sand is dirt cheap and so it would be much better to oversize it. As the saying goes......what will do more will do less.
Well the plan is to oversize the domestic solar array, which will take care of day to day consumption. But also to charge a conventional battery back up. Then on exceptional days, divert all the excess energy into the sand battery by way of high temperature resistance heating elements. We are only at the start of the project, but I envisage a battery in the range of say 1-5 Mtr cubed. This would be encased in a concrete bund and insulated. The whole structure would be below ground. Sand is dirt cheap and so it would be much better to oversize it. As the saying goes......what will do more will do less.
The real technical challenge is in releasing the stored energy from the sand into something usable, like hot water for domestic use and heating. This needs to be achieved with minimal losses, so closed loop systems must be used. Heat exchangers are the obvious choice, but every aspect must be controlled and monitored. Lots of data needs to be monitored and collected.
Here's a short (4 minutes) YouTube vid' with some real science using data based on accurate water isotope analysis, that is published - and is not contested - which clearly shows that while the climate has warmed slightly in recent times, it is still relatively cold compared to historic temperatures. Fear not peeps, we're well below the 200 year moving average! Enjoy . . .


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A non-partisan research post - London
United Nations - Climate Change: Climate Activist Confronts AOC at New York Town Hall

Joke - Biden - Begs Oil.jpg
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Just Stop Oil is a coalition of groups working together to ensure that the government commits to ending all new licenses and consents for the exploration, development and production of fossil fuels in the UK.


We demand that the UK government makes a statement that it will immediately halt all future licensing and consents for the exploration, development and production of fossil fuels in the UK.

If you know any Just Stop Oil activists or supporters, please point out to them that oil is not a fossil fuel! In the YouTube vid' below, Col Fletcher Prouty, former Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President John F. Kennedy, explains how oil was falsely classified a "fossil fuel" in 1892 and how that deception was advanced further in the 70's by Kissinger and Rockefeller. Prouty also explains that Nixon/Kissinger/Rockefeller were seeking a 'world oil price'. That effort created what many now call the "Petrodollar" and the impact of that mistake is playing out still today across the planet. Both Sadam Hussein and Libya's Ghadafi were stopped (murdered) when they attempted to sell oil in 1) Euros or 2) Dinars.

Falsely describing oil a a fossil fuel gave the impression that it's finite and scarce, which allowed the producers to inflate the price. As always peeps, just follow the money, as it's almost always about the select few making lots of it!
Enjoy . . .

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