Choice Odds Fixed Odds and Binaries


Junior member
Has anyone on here used before? They've got a lot of 5 minute markets, odds and binaries. Anyone had any luck, I've managed to get some small arbs on with them.
So do you use choice odds yorkshire?I use ladbrookes at mo , which looks very similar to the choice odds platform ( extremly similar), but if they let bets go through it's a lot better , i had 6 "price no longer valid s " in a row today , plus they take an age to accept the bet , though this varies , maybe with who they have on , because i'm sure the longer time taken accepting a bet is down to an operator and these vary , though they will tell you different !!
Seems like we got censured. Didn't mean to offend anyone. Just saying that I thought the odds were a bit steep and that it is interesting to note the similarities between it and Ladbrokes. I am not a lawyer but I do take a strong interest in IP and thought that Ladbrokes had a good protection in the patent that they are covered by through Cantor.
yes Henry I've had a few bets through them, they have gone through quickly. I actually find the arrows a bit trickier to read than the matrix view, the arrows look nice but I prefer to read what I'm betting on. I guess it's down to personal taste. I'm mainly playing on the five minute markets, FTSE and Dow for now.
No offence notquite random , but i didn't think they were pirating ladbrookes , but maybe using a licensed product , i believe i'm right in saying that ladbrookes platform is /was controlled by cantor , i found this out when i had even bigger price no longer valid problems which cost me about £800, though i got a £50 rebate ( yeh i do feel like a mug , but what can you do , stop using them? i'm winning a little at mo so just put up with it , those price no longer valids mostly come up when your winning a bet , though they changed it slightly so immediate price no longers can be both ways , but the longer ones you get (after 30 seconds or so are grossley unfair, only stopping winners and taking the losers you get , i also believe you get more of these the more you bet . Back to first point , it wouldn't surprise me if choice trades are operated / managed through cantor in the same way ladbrookes are , maybe even by the same person at cantor!!
i stand corrected notquite, didn't read all that you'd said , but makes a lot of sense now i have !!
I agree with your second point. They may well be part of Cantor or Ladbrokes rather than a smaller shop. I didn't think so at first as they have a very different image and company. Perhaps we jumped to conclusions.

I might open an account with them and see how their pricing is for real money relative to not being logged in.

Who knows - maybe they will be as good as binarybet / Intrade.
I'm sure thier pricing is fine , it's these dam "price no longer valid "rejected bets that is so unfair , personally i don't binary bet as i like predict up or down with straight odds.
The binary idea is the best innovation in recent trading history I think and there are so many ways to do it. I like the lay your own odds approach at Intrade but find that the liquidity is an issue at certain times of day. I am a large net winner by laying two sided prices through the API there though so am a fan. Can get some wide spreads through.

BinaryBet and the others are also good but no API for auto-execution. I am sure that the products at Choice Odds will evolve and improve. It must be said, it is a good looking site even if the bets are a bit dear. I might email them to ask about an API.

Intrade are an exchange at offering political, current event, financial etc binary futures.

They are based in Ireland and are pretty huge. Interesting case, they *may* be legal in the US (reference the Iowa exchange 'no action' letter from SEC etc etc.).

I also if possible like to trade 5mins on ladbrookes , which is very fast , even trading retail futures you'd be hard pressed to win so fast because of commission and margin ,can do 20or 30 trades a day quite easily on ladbrookes , also helps in building experience some when doing this, arn't binaries generally hourly at shortest?
Henry, I'm the same, I've spent hours on the five minute markets on Ladbrokes. Choiceodds seem to offer 5 minute binaries all day, had some luck yesterday. The prices whip around a lot which makes it interesting.
Yeah the site does look pretty slick, it's handy having the choice of fractions/decimal/binary odds , although I'm not sure who would choose fractions!
yorkshires_finest said:
Henry, I'm the same, I've spent hours on the five minute markets on Ladbrokes. Choiceodds seem to offer 5 minute binaries all day, had some luck yesterday. The prices whip around a lot which makes it interesting.

That's right, the prices do whip around a great deal. I've just opened an account with these guys and I'd say 80% of my trades have been rejected and those that were accepted had gone against me. Very annoying to say the least. I like the concept but if I can't get a trade on then what's the point? I was only playing in £1 stakes as well - my bets take at least 20 seconds to be processed. :devilish: :devilish: :devilish:
Damn, I guess I'll wait a few weeks before giving these guys a try if there is a 20+ second processing delay
Hello all,

My first post on what seems to be a very informative site
Any how, I've checked out the site today and it's very good looking and with a nice large range of bets. At first glance they seem to have more than most, I'm slowly trying them all out. I've been putting on £4 per point bets with no problems at all. At home I have an 8mb connection and I've had no problems getting bets on. I'm no techie but at work I have a slow connection and that seems to change the bet accpetance speed.
They look like a joke outfit to me who won't even take a decent bet. Their acceptances take an age to get on as well.
Nutter, what size are you trading in? I remember when Lads started I couldn't get more than £50 on. That limit went up, and now it's come right back down again (at least for me).

I accept that I'll get knocked back on blatant arbs though, I don't like it but it's all part of the game. I've had 11 binariess accepted at Choice today, so what's up?

We've all been crying out for some competition in this arena for god knows how long so it's a bit silly to bitch about it now that it's arrived. Give it a chance...
nutter punter said:
They look like a joke outfit to me who won't even take a decent bet. Their acceptances take an age to get on as well.

I agree. especially with the 5 min periods. on the face of it, it so easy to make money, but if you can't get a bet on, and those that do get accepted are those that are going against you then the odds swing in their favour. remember, you are at their mercy, they can do what they like.

I am currently wriring a book on gambling in which their will be a section on financial bets were I am going to expose this prcactice - for what it is worth!

ultimately it is not regulated so they can do what they like. thats why there are so many companies offering the same thing. my guess is that other ladbrokes / choice odds copies will start sprouting up