Chat Room

Hill Farmer

Active member
Is this still alive and kicking? I've dropped in a couple of times and apart from @FC and @FCBOT there's not much around. It's all become rather diluted in the chat room. Perhaps a scheduled and regular get together may be one way of reviving things. Anyone for, say, Wednesdays 10-00 pm? Any other suggestions?
Hi Hill,

We all meet in #Trade2Win...instead of #uktrader...maybe you're still checking in #uktrader and that's why finding noone there...
So now we know, but why the change, for I have dropped in too but to no avail, so gave up.

I don't really know why, John..I think it provides better technical usages..they did announce at the chatroom, but I think they should have made it known at the BB as well for non-regular chatroom users...
If you hadn't noticed theres a web link to the chat room from the front page of sharkinvested. Though it doesn't always work if your behind a firewall I think, you just get blank screen.



Ok thanks. So, in future we all go to #Trade2Win and forget about #uktrader. I know pigsy has a link but I always travel via Mirc and therefore was unaware of the change. Anyhow,other regulars will now be alerted by this thread.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rizgar:
Hi Hill,

We all meet in #Trade2Win...instead of #uktrader...maybe you're still checking in #uktrader and that's why finding noone there...
Just tried to log in via Mirc on #Trade2Win and got the message 'no such channel' Is this the right channel? Thanks.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rizgar:
Hi Hill,

We all meet in #Trade2Win...instead of #uktrader...maybe you're still checking in #uktrader and that's why finding noone there...
Hi Hill,
Just's the meantime worked out all steps for the file on top left, then click options, in the second frame on the right find Undernet:EU,UK,London..then click the mIRC Channels Folder write #Trade2Win..then click Join...see how it goes and leave a note I know if you need further help..
Thank's managed to get in. Only prob now is that I can't get a log of the discussion. I'll check my settings.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rizgar:
Hi Hill,
Just's the meantime worked out all steps for the file on top left, then click options, in the second frame on the right find Undernet:EU,UK,London..then click the mIRC Channels Folder write #Trade2Win..then click Join...see how it goes and leave a note I know if you need further help..

Everything now ship shape and back in working order. Thanks!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hill Farmer:
Thank's managed to get in. Only prob now is that I can't get a log of the discussion. I'll check my settings.

Ok, so is there a regular night for discussion or are peolpe too busy licking their wounds or just plain depressed? Wednesdays used to be popular.
Hi Hill,

Many members including myself are there during the market hours...they usually leave after the market closes..why don't you pop in during the day and talk to others as well..
