Hi all
being new to full time trading i was wondering how many of you make a living trading. I am taking advantage of redundancy to attempt to be a real trader and make this my occupation. I'd just like to hear from you how you fair
Making a Living? Or, becoming a Highly Successful Full-Time Professional Trader? There is a massive difference. Some merely want to supplement their existing income and that is considered success. Others want to build and manage several billion dollars of their own capital and that too is considered success. But, the two should not be confused with equal success or having requirements that are in any way exactingly similar. Ultra High Performance Trading comes at a price and that price is paid out in blood, sweat, tears and time - not to mention money. But, if all you want to do is pay a light bill at the end of the month, then sure - this is not rocket science.
Your question is a good one, as it denotes where your head is at, relative to the business. You obviously are thinking about Trading as more than just a hobby and that's why you ask the question - you surmise that if enough people answer in the affirmative, that you too, can cut your own path to independence.
The psychology of your question (if it is genuine) suggests that you are also a long-range thinker, and long-range thinking people, need stability in their lives. That's the hard part about answering your question after having read between the lines. Making money as a Trader can be done by a Monkey in a Lab. Anyone can take a mouse, click on a graphical icon and exact a trade that nets a profit. That is not Trading and that won't yield long-term stability as a Trader. It can take a while to get up to speed here, so the stability that you seek, might not be there for years (on average - some do it faster) - and that is the cold hard truth about getting up to speed in this business. Now, here is how I think about Trading and the Business of Trading.
Any human being, absent some physical and/or mental limitation, can physically fly a fixed wing aircraft. The actual physical act of flying is not difficult at all. Just put your hands on the yoke or stick and boom, just like that, you are "flying" the aircraft. However, that's not what being a Pilot is all about, and that is certainly not what being an Aviator, is all about.
The difference between being someone who can fly the aircraft and one who can Pilot the aircraft, is the difference between day and night, because being Pilot means developing the capacity to
make correct decisions all the time and/or being able to correct poor decisions once they are detected - all the time - failure is not an option. The Pilot has to think his/her way through every single contingency and consider every reasonable option, to guarantee a successful flight and this process is begins long before the Pilot ever leaves the ground.
Likewise, the Trader has to develop the capacity to do more than merely toggle switches and press buttons on their Trading Platform. The Trader, must develop the capacity to think his/her way through every single Trade Profile, no different than a Pilot has to have the capacity to think their way through a Flight Plan Profile. No difference at all, in fact. A Pilot has to deal with in-flight emergencies. The Trader has to deal with in-trade emergencies. The Pilot might sometimes have to apply corrective actions to stabilize the aircraft, where the Trader might have to apply corrective actions to stabilize the trade.
When you go study the Government's accidents reports on aviation, what you find is that most accidents were not caused by a singular event that the Pilot could not adjust to. Unfortunately, what you find all too often is a Pilot who
compounded his/her error by either never properly adjusting for the first error, or by making improper adjustments to the first or previous error(s), thus compounding error upon error, which eventually put BOTH Pilot and Aircraft into an unrecoverable flight condition. Likewise, to many Traders do the same and end up turning their positions into unrecoverable trades.
So, you ask the question whether or not you can make a living as a Trader.
The answer is in whether or not you can learn to become a strategic thinker who has the capacity to engage in tactical decision making, all based on historical and empirical evidence (data) that you are willing to research and
validate on your own. If you can learn to set aside most of your emotional urges and
make strategic minded decisions based on logic and reason, with clarity of thought, then I would say that the answer to your question is a resounding "Yes You Can."
Just remember, the survivors in this business are those who develop some kind of systematic process for approaching the markets. Not many people out here, fly by the seat of their pants and last for very long. Whether you become a Technical Trader or a Fundamental Trader or a Hybrid Trader (a little of both), you will never be fully able to optimize your trading and thus your revenue potential, unless and until you develop a systematized approach to what you do in the markets.
This is a great place to make a living, but it is also a very serious minded place for those of us that do make a living working the markets and your MIND should be no less serious about what you are stepping into here. There is a lot more I can say about Newbie Start-Ups in this business, but I think I've given you some righteous things to think about that should ground you long enough to find out whether or not you are serious about this venture.
This is a business. This is not a game and this is definitely NOT gambling. Take it seriously by educating yourself and taking responsibility for your own success and your own failures. There will be a serious ramp-up period, the learning curve is very steep here for those wishing to become Professional Full-Time Traders. You can do it, but you first need to convince yourself that YOU CAN do it and that you SHOULD do it. You need to LOVE study, hard work, tons of research, analysis & testing. Above all else, you NEED to be or learn to become someone who is capable of
Thinking Outside the Box of Conventional Wisdom. You need to develop good and reliable sources of information related to the news that will impact your market and your instrument.
Any good Pilot, knows his/her aircraft inside and out. They know the aircraft systems and can rip them off in their sleep. Good and effective Pilots know their procedures and can riddle them off at will. As a Professional Full-Time Trader, you need to know your markets and your instruments just as well. You need to know what drives the "Price" of your instrument. You need to know the boundaries of "Price" that your instrument likes to obey. You need to understand the historicity of your instrument and your market, to be able to detect the expected behavior of your instrument, but also to be able to detect when the instrument is behaving
Operating a high-performance aircraft is NO different than Trading a high-performance market. Make no mistake about it - YOU are in command of your Trading, but NOT the market. No different than a Pilot is in command of his/her aircraft, but NOT the weather. You can do this, but you should start asking yourself whether or not you really WANT to do this and if so, how BAD do you really want it.
You need to love this stuff - in order to
have the Right Stuff. All the best and I wish you nothing but outstanding success in whatever you do in life!