Camarilla Equation
Browsing the various T2W threads last night, someone mentioned the "Camarilla Equation".
I followed a few links, but apart from a US compnay offering 'it' at $99 there wasn't too much of any substance.
It looks like a (glorified) pivot points calculator. Certainly appears to use the same input (H,L,C possibly even O as well) and generates 8 R/S lines with special emphasis on L3 and L4 (whatever they may be) I believe.
Thing is, I'm a real junkie for these types of systems. Not just in their prime form but also for what else they might mean (if you know what I mean!). Problem is - I can't find any specifics oh how it's calculated.
Just tried Amazon search and all I got was a load of Vampire Gamne stuff (!!!!).
Antyone have any pointers of specifics - I'd really appreciate it.