Brand New Look - T2W goes from Strength 2 Strength!


Just to let everyone know, I've started work on a complete redesign of the website - from the ground up.

I want to make it as uncluttered, streamlined, fast and friendly as possible. Since the last redesign, I've listened to a lot of members comments and using the site myself every day I have a pretty good idea what works and what doesn't.

Therefore, I won't be upgrading the bulletin board until the relaunch of the website which will happen probably early next month. In the meantime if you have any suggestions now is the time to tell me, since the T2W team will be revaluating all the features of the website, and anything which isn't adding to the value of the site will get the chop. I recognise it's impossible, for the moment, to compete on the analysis and news offered by other web sites, so should we ditch them in favour of furthering the sharing of ideas and exploiting the wealth of experience our members possess?! Tell us. We're listening..

Let's stick to what we do best- Ideas and interchange of information and experience.There's a zillion sites that carry news, hype and bullshit....There's only one site that's got the right mix of all the facts, fun and friedly members!.....and we all know which one that is.
I agree with Chartman TA , Daytrading, Swing trading, simple and direct, as Technical Analysis is the basis of selection, much more of that would suit me fine. A big thank you to Sharky and the others for all your hard work, don't you guys ever stop, we all appreciate what you continue to do for us. Thanks
News are used in related threads together with comments which is what that matters anyway...don't think we need a separate section for market news, etc...

I agree wth all the comments. There's no point showing delayed news stories.. we may as well wait until we get a realtime searchable newsfeed.

Waldorf, I'm inclined to agree with your synopsis of the site, and I particularly like Martin's enphasis on the community...

Anyway, just as an update. Progress is being made with the new site, thanks to all the beta-testers who volunteered to provide comments and feedback. I think we're looking at a late June launch - aroundabout my birthday on the 26th, so fingers crossed it'll be a double celebration.

But should *definately* be worth the wait!!!! :)
