Bored? Take a look at this rubbish


Legendary member

Someone messaged me after a wee debate I was having with the Velez lot and frankly I can't be bothered to explain how ludicrous this is - but it ought to be ludicrous to anyone with any experience in anything - take a look at the daily loss limits for a start.

So why not take one point each - let's all (anyone who knows what they're talking about) make a post describing how ludicrous this is.

My first point: The daily loss limits prevent you from doing any size whatsoever.
I dont think i'll ever be bored enough to read all of that dribble,

anyway point 2. you dont need to spend thousands of pounds to learn to trade off M.A.s and the pin bar on the charles schwab chart made me giggle
I did toy with the idea of posting a thread entitled something like 'I'm selling - what would you buy' and see what there's actually a market for out there. So much free money sloshing around I reckon, and it's easier than trading ;)

Anyone wanna buy London Bridge?