Boiler Room Scams

Hi there
I have invested a few thousand dollars with that company in 2012. I bought blackberry shares for $10, now known as RIM and they should have gone through the roof. As they were not, I thought I am going to wait until they go up at least a little bit and when they reached $18 about 13 months later, I phoned up the company "Eureka" and told them to sell. They then told me, because I did not trade for 12 months they couldn't sell it due to companies trading policy and they offered me an other deal, where I would get my $10 for the RIM stock back, but would need to invest an other $15k or $20K for Apple shares.

Well I didn't and now I got contacted again by them to offer me a deal in those below :

Please find below links for your preference:

As I didn't react on the calls I received this mail this morning:

I have been trying to reach you but you are not available. May I know the best time to call you and your contact mobile number?

I can be reached at any time at the following numbers:
Tel: (8621) 3120 3037
Fax: (8621) 3120 3038

Yours faithfully,

Peter Stewart
Vice President Institutional Trading

I am very unsecure now and don't know if it's a scam or not - what do you think?

Best regards

Hi Louismax,

Like Blackwatch says, you have already lost. And all the other things are also as he says. Don´t pay any more! If they are in contact with you try to ask them more information about Eureka. Record phonecalls. Have you sent the money in Romania? What did they tell you about xboxlove?
Hi Louismax,

Like Blackwatch says, you have already lost. And all the other things are also as he says. Don´t pay any more! If they are in contact with you try to ask them more information about Eureka. Record phonecalls. Have you sent the money in Romania? What did they tell you about xboxlove?

Hi Maamies
They only said it's going through the roof.
I said before that I did invest some money with Eureka in Blackberry stock. I even got everything through the post, so I thought they might be serious people.
The money was send as much as I can recall to an account in Hongkong, but the latest offer I got, were I should have to send the money to, was to Romania:
Str Anastasie Simu Nr 6 Sector 1
Bucuresti, Romania
Account / IBAN No: RO68 BPOS 7240 7829 052 USD 01
Swift Code (BIC): BPOSROBU

Just found something on Youtube at ca. Minute 2.20
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Hi Maamies
They only said it's going through the roof.
I said before that I did invest some money with Eureka in Blackberry stock. I even got everything through the post, so I thought they might be serious people.
The money was send as much as I can recall to an account in Hongkong, but the latest offer I got, were I should have to send the money to, was to Romania:
Str Anastasie Simu Nr 6 Sector 1
Bucuresti, Romania
Account / IBAN No: RO68 BPOS 7240 7829 052 USD 01
Swift Code (BIC): BPOSROBU

Just found something on Youtube at ca. Minute 2.20

Hi Louismax,

OK, now it is clear, the payment for Bancpost was for “Payment details : For Account Reference 414-00062-GER“ (see the Banking Instructions)

The Bank they used before Bancpost was Raif………also in Bucharest, Romania.

For Xboxlove Inc they tell you the symbol is XBOX. Well, the stock is going nowhere, it is not even listed, it is NOT trading anywhere. Ask them to send you the Shares Certificate.

Can you please give me the Hong Kong Bank Account details !
You can even email me at [email protected]

Thank you and have a nice day.
I know who and where these people are.
It is a scam. A boiler room.
The guy Peter is the LOADER. He's British I presume? Unless they got another loader.

Contact me via private msg here and I can try to fill you in.

I welcome any information you are willing to share with me.
Please send it by PM to blackwatch or even better email me at [email protected]
Thank you
I know who and where these people are.
It is a scam. A boiler room.
The guy Peter is the LOADER. He's British I presume? Unless they got another loader.

Contact me via private msg here and I can try to fill you in.

Hi Whistler_man,

You seem to know a lot of these criminals. Could you contact me with private message. I would really like to talk with you.

What do you mean: "try to fill you in"?
hi Anyone know about MIS-SOLD SHARES LTD ? Rang me out of the blue
Here is their details from their e-mail today .....

Thank you for opting-in to receive information from Mis-sold Shares Limited regarding your potential claim.

We are a team of City Professionals regulated by the Claims Management Regulator in respect of regulated claims management activities, licence number CRM30945.

We offer a transparent, no fuss service in assessing and processing claims for compensation on behalf of clients who have lost money through mis-selling.
............. HEAP OF OTHER STUFF ..........................
Claims Administration
Mis-sold Shares LTD
Direct Line: 0207 183 0663
Email: [email protected]
Regulated by the Claims Management Regulator in respect of regulated claims management activities, registration number CRM30945.
Registered Office: Central Court, 25 Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, LONDON, WC2A 1AL
Company Registration No: 08156716 - VAT Number 155 1230 44
hi Anyone know about MIS-SOLD SHARES LTD ? Rang me out of the blue
Here is their details from their e-mail today .....

Thank you for opting-in to receive information from Mis-sold Shares Limited regarding your potential claim.

We are a team of City Professionals regulated by the Claims Management Regulator in respect of regulated claims management activities, licence number CRM30945.

We offer a transparent, no fuss service in assessing and processing claims for compensation on behalf of clients who have lost money through mis-selling.
............. HEAP OF OTHER STUFF ..........................
Claims Administration
Mis-sold Shares LTD
Direct Line: 0207 183 0663
Email: [email protected]
Regulated by the Claims Management Regulator in respect of regulated claims management activities, registration number CRM30945.
Registered Office: Central Court, 25 Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, LONDON, WC2A 1AL
Company Registration No: 08156716 - VAT Number 155 1230 44

They are not there:
Serviced Offices: Central Court, 25 Southampton Bldgs - WC2A 1AL

Secondly, As they immediately start off with: regulated by info, it's pure BS.

third, the tel/. # 0207 183 0663 is a forwarded cell.

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Thanks for info on Mis-sold Shares ltd. I reckoned they were a scam, so far no request for money, but I'm sure it will come.
Hi Blackwatch,

Thanks again for the information on Hartford Group International and their EGIC scam.
I've been in contact with the Financial Supervisory Commision in Taiwan, and they pretty much echoed what you said in your last few posts on The HGI scam.
The FSC also provided me with the links of the authorities to contact in Taiwan, just in case I wished to take things further. (Which I fully intend to do!)

Official website of National Police Agency (警政署)

Criminal Investigation Bureau (刑事警察局)

I know there're a few others on here who have been contacted by HGI in recent months, so let's just hope nobody else gets stung by these people.

Thanks again for the information, Blackwatch.

Hi Jackell and blackwatch.

I have written a post about Hartford Group recently and have introduced 5-6 of Hartford's victims to each other. Check the post and the victims' comments out here:

Send me a mail if you want to get in contact with the others.

I have also written a few posts about other scam possibly connected to Hartford.
Hartford (Heartford) Capital Management S.A.

There is (was) on or about November 2008 a Hartford Capital Management S.A. also known as Heartford Capital Management S.A. at ;

Client services mailing address
Centro Colon Building
8th Floor, Suite No. 8-6
Paseo Colon, San Jose, Costa Rica

Corporate mailing address
Advanced Tower 099
6th Floor, #10701,
Ricardo Arias Street
El Dorado, Panama City, Republic of Panama

On 20Nov08 The British Columbia Securities Commission advised that ;

We received reports that, in 2007, representatives of Hartford Capital Management S.A., also known as Heartford Capital Management, had solicited British Columbia residents to open accounts with Hartford Capital Management S.A. to trade commodity options. Hartford Capital Management S.A. and Heartford Capital Management are not registered in British Columbia to trade in, or advise on, securities or exchange contracts.

In March and November of 2007, the Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission issued cease trade orders against Hartford Capital Management S.A. and Heartford Capital Management, respectively.

In November of 2007, the New Brunswick Securities Commission and the Autorité des marches financiers issued Investor Alerts about Heartford Capital Management.

Perhaps one and the same !
Jeffrey GORDON

Op Rico_Jeffrey GordonDOB: 10/08/1959

Offences: Jeffrey GORDON is believed to be involved in the set up and management of various boiler rooms. He has links to Romania, and possibly Colombia or Ireland.

Alias: Jeffrey Darren GOODMAN, Michael GOODMAN

Description: Jeffrey Gordon is American and speaks with an American accent. He is 5’11” and of stocky build. He has blue eyes and wears glasses. He is normally clean shaven. Gordon has a tattoo on his left arm this is swirly multi-coloured

Force: City of London Police

Op Rico_Tunch KashifDOB: 19/03/1965

Offences: Tunch KASHIF is believed to have been engaged in various investment frauds over a period of several years. He has recently been involved in Fine Wine Investment Fraud with CAMPUS INVESTMENTS which offered fraudulent shares to UK investors.
KASHIF is currently thought to be in Biarritz, FRANCE.
KASHIF is a Turkish Cypriot so could also be in Northern Cyprus.
KASHIF has family links to the North London area.

Alias: No further details

Description: No further details

Force: City of London Police

Has anybody been defrauded, had his money stolen, by these crooks !

They claim an address at ;

8th Floor,
Azrieli Center
Triangular Tower
Tel-Aviv, 67023

But they are not there. I have checked it out.
BTW I preferred the old website, it had more character.