Bodybuilding/Losing Fat/Get fit/ look too damn sexy thread


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Hey guys,

anyone of you going regularly to the gym ?

I've just started going to the gym again (have gained a lot of pounds/kg over the last 2-3 years, and want to lose that belly fat and get ripped !!!!! )

Currenlty I'm going through a lifestyle change, including eating healthy, going to the gym regularly and sleeping more. Going 3 times a week, but want to turn it up to 4 times/week starting from August.

Any other gym goers ?
i used to go gym every morning mon to fri when i had my estate agents, as the gym was across the road. used to be a serious looking dude, but since i stopped last year, i have lost alot of the mass... still got the shape, but not as deep cut...

i know exactly what ur thinking, as im thinking the same thing... lol
Hey guys,

anyone of you going regularly to the gym ?

I've just started going to the gym again (have gained a lot of pounds/kg over the last 2-3 years, and want to lose that belly fat and get ripped !!!!! )

Currenlty I'm going through a lifestyle change, including eating healthy, going to the gym regularly and sleeping more. Going 3 times a week, but want to turn it up to 4 times/week starting from August.

Any other gym goers ?

I'm at the gym at 0700 Monday to Friday for 90 minutes. I'm 80 and have been going 35 years since the doctor sent me for a bad back. I still get back trouble but, otherwise, I feel great. My first meal of the day is a fruit salad. After that, whatever my wife prepares.
i used to go gym every morning mon to fri when i had my estate agents, as the gym was across the road. used to be a serious looking dude, but since i stopped last year, i have lost alot of the mass... still got the shape, but not as deep cut...

i know exactly what ur thinking, as im thinking the same thing... lol

then, why don't you act on it man ? :LOL:
I'm at the gym at 0700 Monday to Friday for 90 minutes. I'm 80 and have been going 35 years since the doctor sent me for a bad back. I still get back trouble but, otherwise, I feel great. My first meal of the day is a fruit salad. After that, whatever my wife prepares.

you're 80 years old and go to the gym mon-fri ? nothing but the utmost respect for you Sir ! I strive to be like you when/if I reach 80

i've just started playing squash again after a 5 year absence. in fact I'm just heading out the door for a game now.

have started doing HiiT training to get fit and shift the belly.
Just doing my own hill sprint routine for now until I get into shape enough to try Mercola Peak 8 Peak 8 Exercises Increase Your "Fitness Hormone" Levels
and/or Tabata Tabata Training

been on a raw food/juice fast diet for the last 2 months and lost 10kgs so far, with more to come off as the HiiT kicks in, I hope
i've just started playing squash again after a 5 year absence. in fact I'm just heading out the door for a game now.

have started doing HiiT training to get fit and shift the belly.
Just doing my own hill sprint routine for now until I get into shape enough to try Mercola Peak 8 Peak 8 Exercises Increase Your "Fitness Hormone" Levels
and/or Tabata Tabata Training

been on a raw food/juice fast diet for the last 2 months and lost 10kgs so far, with more to come off as the HiiT kicks in, I hope

It's diet that gets the fat off. The exercise keeps the muscles and joints working properly.

I must say that I don't think that I could keep to your diet all day. I got shingles last year and switched to a lot of fruit, cutting out breakfast cereals, bread, cakes, etc. Over here, there is a big demand for enciamadas and crousants. That stuff is full of fat- all that out, for me. I keep a constant 78-79 kilos. I'm not going lower than that otherwise, at my age, I start to look a bit scraggy!
I train at about 5 times a week for pleasure and to keep in shape have done for years.

Not just at the gym also do plenty of walking and cycling (if you have the time long walks can be great for losing the pounds)

Going to the gym is great if you are a full time trader as it breaks up the day and you come back to trade refreshed I time my gym visits for the quiet times usually mid morning when the markets are waiting for wall street to open.

Also allows me to have a few beers without worrying about weight gain :)

Good luck with your training.
Hey guys,

anyone of you going regularly to the gym ?

hi bbpi,

i have just started after a couple of years out for operations & various health issues. with respect to cardio / fat burning exercise i have started doing "spin" classes - every gym does them.

if you have not heard of its very intense cycling class, to loud music & a yelling instructor. in 45mins session, done properly, you can burn 600-800 cal. i would have to do about 2 hours on a cross trainer for similar result. highly recommend it if time is an issue, its most intense exercie i have done, but v rewarding and quite addictive once you get passed the first few weeks.

like with anything theres good and bad ways of doing stuff. a steady rate run for instance for an hour will have similar impact as a 30min run which is broken up by a few v short sprint intervals. theres plenty of free stuff about this online.

what type of exercise are you doing?
I've been lifting 6-packs for years and let me tell you it shows! I'm looking good all a "round".


Since last September I've started cycling into work again - 9m each way. First ride took 1hr 20m. Now average ride varies between 40-50min each way. The other day I got home in 36 minutes. I cycle 5 x a week and usually in the weekends too for leisure or chores. I'm working up to cycling to Brighton from London.

I still have a belly I can't shift. Cycling is too easy so I'm trying to push it with increase in speed and hopefully burn more fat.

Also used to get pain in the knees but not any more. Legs and upper body feels great. Muscle strength reduces pains in the joints.

Need to remember the rheumatoid arthritis attacks the body when it is at rest. That's why people feel very stiff in the mornings. Activity and physical work is the way if you want to lead a healthy long life.

Re: Food - I'm a non stop eating machine. As Paul McKenna advised; I eat what I want, when I want, as much as I want - as long as I stop when full.

I never liked gyms to be honest. Better off scrubbing the toilet and bath and doing physical house work - more useful. Prefer to be out doors walking or jogging at a brisk pace. ie Walk to the supermarket and carry the bags back.

I'd change my mind if my gym was like this but sadly it is not !

Eric Prydz - Call On Me - YouTube

Basal metabolic rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Increasing muscle mass increases BMR"

hence, more muscle mass means you burn more calories at a state of rest.
Thats quite a harsh reply bro. Losing bodyfat = keeping on the right side of the calories in vs calories out. Doesnt really matter how you acheive the deficit,also it depends on your aims.. Eat less, do more - exercise, build muscle (without stuffing your face). Anything that will get you into deficit will work.
Heres a nice resource for all you weights boys (well, anyone looking improve their body). scoobysworkshop All free, to the point and BS free.

Im into the bodyweight stuff now. You should see some of the bar boys! F*****g beasts!! :eek:

All this stuff so simple imo, its us that makes it hard. :)
Thats quite a harsh reply bro.

It wasn't intended to be harsh, and apols if it comes across that way. The statement "its diet that gets the fat off" is excluding 2 other v important ways of getting fat off, and thus its misleading. Also dieting rarely works for the majority of people in isolation.

It is a common misconception to only concentrate on cardio and diet when trying to lose weight, but a more holistic approach is much better balance ie also building up a little muscle mass.
what type of exercise are you doing?

hey rsh01,

right now I am concentrating on losing weight with preserving the muscle mass i've got, and after I lose bodyfat to around 15% I will start bulking to grow my muscle mass.
Currently I'm at 30% bodyfat, and go 3-4 /week to the gym, lift weights for half an 30min-40 min, increasing the wieghts each time until I hit failure. After that I hit the treadmill for around 30min and do HIT cardio. I am aiming to work every muscle group once/week : chest, back, triceps, etc
tabata - a complete workout in 4 minutes, with longer term aerobic benefits as they body's metabolim continues to burn cals.
Don't tell me you don't have 4 minutes twice a week ?
Tabata Training

"1. Time

One of the down sizes of doing long distance running is that it takes time to get to the area where you are jogging to and back; and time for your heart rate and metabolism to shoot up. Because it takes time, you’ll have to work longer and harder in order to see the results (losing fat and/or improving cardio). However, with Tabata, you can gain more results in less time.

If you don’t know already, Tabata is a four minute session. Each Tabata has 8 intervals of which you exercise at a very high intensity for 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, you have 10 seconds to rest. Tabata is a form of high intensity training and one of the benefits of high intensity training is that it can boost your metabolism and heart rate up in a matter of seconds. Long distance running requires anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 in order to get your heart rate up. Not only that but you have to maintain that heart rate for the rest of the jog to get your body to burn fat.

2. Losing Fat

I’m sure you’ve encountered various people saying that the only way to lose fat is to jog. The truth is, jogging is only one of the ways to lose fat (and the slowest). As mentioned above, jogging takes time for your metabolism and heart rate to rise. So in order to burn fat while jogging, you have to wait a bit until your body can get into the fat burning zone.

Tabata training will raise your metabolism and heart rate up in no time. Because you are performing these exercises at a very high intensity, your body will have to work much harder to keep up. This will cause your heart to pump faster and your metabolism to rise; which you want if you are planning on losing fat. Your metabolism will stay at a high not only during the workout, but after the workout as well. This means that your body will be burning fat even when you aren’t doing anything.

3 Aerobic and Anaerobic Benifits

Izumi Tabata was the founder and creator of Tabata. He conducted a test which tested two groups of athletes. The first group was ordered to train in moderate intensity exercises (this includes jogging, skipping, swimming, cycling and so forth) at 70% lasting an hour for each training day for five days a week for a total of six weeks. The result from this group was that their aerobic system improved, however their anaerobic system improved little to none.

The second group was ordered to train 4 days a week for a total of 6 weeks at a high intensity (170%) each training day lasting 4 minutes. The results of this training group was that they increased their aerobic system much more than the other group and that they had a 28% increase.

This means that the group performing high intensity training (Tabata) had much more improvements than the group performing moderate intensity.

Basically, you can get much more done in less time in Tabata training than you can in long distance running. "
tabata - a complete workout in 4 minutes, with longer term aerobic benefits as they body's metabolim continues to burn cals.
Don't tell me you don't have 4 minutes twice a week ?
Tabata Training
Tabata can be full on, the first set is "piece o cake", the last set is more like "FFFFFFFF" ! I did a squat set flat out a little while back! Legs were sore for the next 4 days! :LOL:
CrossFit Tabata Squats - YouTube
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It wasn't intended to be harsh, and apols if it comes across that way. The statement "its diet that gets the fat off" is excluding 2 other v important ways of getting fat off, and thus its misleading. Also dieting rarely works for the majority of people in isolation.

It is a common misconception to only concentrate on cardio and diet when trying to lose weight, but a more holistic approach is much better balance ie also building up a little muscle mass.
Fair doos mate and I do agree that its best to have a well rounded approach.
Building muscle is great while cutting fat, It raises RMR as you say, it also inspires the body keep the muscle rather than the fat.

All imho: The place where most people fail in losing fat is they delude themselves when it comes to estimating / measuring what they eat. You can do all the training, eat the best quality food. The bottom line is you will fail to lose bodyfat if you eat more calories than you burn.
tabata - a complete workout in 4 minutes, with longer term aerobic benefits as they body's metabolim continues to burn cals.
Don't tell me you don't have 4 minutes twice a week ?
Tabata Training

"1. Time

One of the down sizes of doing long distance running is that it takes time to get to the area where you are jogging to and back; and time for your heart rate and metabolism to shoot up. Because it takes time, you’ll have to work longer and harder in order to see the results (losing fat and/or improving cardio). However, with Tabata, you can gain more results in less time.

If you don’t know already, Tabata is a four minute session. Each Tabata has 8 intervals of which you exercise at a very high intensity for 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, you have 10 seconds to rest. Tabata is a form of high intensity training and one of the benefits of high intensity training is that it can boost your metabolism and heart rate up in a matter of seconds. Long distance running requires anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 in order to get your heart rate up. Not only that but you have to maintain that heart rate for the rest of the jog to get your body to burn fat.

2. Losing Fat

I’m sure you’ve encountered various people saying that the only way to lose fat is to jog. The truth is, jogging is only one of the ways to lose fat (and the slowest). As mentioned above, jogging takes time for your metabolism and heart rate to rise. So in order to burn fat while jogging, you have to wait a bit until your body can get into the fat burning zone.

Tabata training will raise your metabolism and heart rate up in no time. Because you are performing these exercises at a very high intensity, your body will have to work much harder to keep up. This will cause your heart to pump faster and your metabolism to rise; which you want if you are planning on losing fat. Your metabolism will stay at a high not only during the workout, but after the workout as well. This means that your body will be burning fat even when you aren’t doing anything.

3 Aerobic and Anaerobic Benifits

Izumi Tabata was the founder and creator of Tabata. He conducted a test which tested two groups of athletes. The first group was ordered to train in moderate intensity exercises (this includes jogging, skipping, swimming, cycling and so forth) at 70% lasting an hour for each training day for five days a week for a total of six weeks. The result from this group was that their aerobic system improved, however their anaerobic system improved little to none.

The second group was ordered to train 4 days a week for a total of 6 weeks at a high intensity (170%) each training day lasting 4 minutes. The results of this training group was that they increased their aerobic system much more than the other group and that they had a 28% increase.

This means that the group performing high intensity training (Tabata) had much more improvements than the group performing moderate intensity.

Basically, you can get much more done in less time in Tabata training than you can in long distance running. "

There was a Horizon program on BBC recently which concluded precisely what is explained here when medical tests were carried out across a range of fitness exercises.

The Truth About Exercise

Over the months, improvement in fitness with respect to time and effort expended is very noticable. As much as I think I am fit - there are so many cyclists who simply whizz by me...

I have 3 creeping hills on my cycle run and I really attack these now. I'm going to call them the 3 Tabata's.

Also Truth About Fat
BBC Two - Horizon, 2011-2012, The Truth about Fat