Between trades/waiting

darktone said:
Go out and do something less boring instead.

But then i kick myself when i come back to find i missed a good move.

Sometimes I balance things on my head and spin in my chair, other time i just sing badly to music. *shrug* online games.
Empty and load the dishwasher, Iron some clothes, make lunch - anything where I am within range of hearing audio alerts from my PC. Once thought that I will lie down on my bed for a brief rest - as I hadn't slept well the night before. I then woke up at 4pm - several hours later - so resting in a vertical position is not an option for me - intraday resting is for wimps :!:

I do find myself losing concentration/getting bored at certain times of the day, and I can sometimes dissappear into a sort of daze if I'm not careful - I think due to a lack of stimulus around me. So to keep myself sharp and alert - I'm thinking of getting an exercise bike - so that I can do a 5 minute slog if I start to feel less than sharp.

Although I do give myself a dinner hour - I remain at hand - for any trade signals that arise.

All in all, I find that there are still plenty of things to do and learn - at my PC and on the Internet - either related to trading, or my hobbies - latest of which is skiing :D


jtrader said:
All in all, I find that there are still plenty of things to do and learn - at my PC and on the Internet - either related to trading, or my hobbies - latest of which is skiing :D




do you have any black runs on your desk? :-0

agreed though. surfing the net for info completely unrelated to trading is a good thing. broadens the mind and allows you to relax.

or you could do what quite a lot of us do, and that is work full time... :devilish:
FetteredChinos -

do you have any black runs on your desk?


As I have only been skiing outdoors twice - I am still very much a beginner - so haven't progressed beyond the green runs and a few blue runs yet - but that was very scary for me. I'm happy with the long and gentle green runs!
I've only been to Scotland - which was surprisingly better than I'd expected it to be - at The Lecht and Cairngorm Mountain last winter. Hopefully I will get away to the Alps this winter and indulge myself for a week or so :D

I do not feel that I have the ideal build to be a very good skier (at 6 foot 8) - but enjoy it, and the mountain environment.

I also like to search for nice snow covered mountains/ski and wildlife photos that I can set as the background on my desktop!


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jackjones said:
But then i kick myself when i come back to find i missed a good move.

Sometimes I balance things on my head and spin in my chair, other time i just sing badly to music. *shrug* online games.

I know what you mean but ive reached (finally) the stage where i dont really care what i miss anymorebut it wasnt always like that :eek: i used to tear strips off myself for it but it never got me anywhere.
For me screen watching is bad, its hard on my mind and sets me up to overtrade. That said we are all different, have you thought of using price text alerts to tell when u should be watching?

darktone -
Go out and do something less boring instead.

I have accepted that trading often is a pretty boring way to pass time - for me anyhow. I now see - the ability to cope with this boredom and work through it, continue to work on and improve my systems and knowledge, and remain reaonably sharp and focused - as a big part of the challenge.


A example.

Yesterday i 'missed' a cable long entry potential 100+ move to first resistance. Today (just a few moments ago in fact) i was stopped out of cable short at resistance. A year or so ago this would have had me beating down on myself big time, so much that id find it hard to conseal my feelings from my family, it would really darken my mood and cause me to lose focus and in turn lead me to overtrade (trade whats not there).
I can truly say it doesnt bother me anymore only because i know its far better for me to be fresh and ready for the next opportunity.

Off to do summit else now i dont have to be at the screen ;)

or you could do what quite a lot of us do, and that is work full time...

That really is an insane suggestion........

and it should come with a health and wealth warning....... ;)
tradesmart said:
That really is an insane suggestion........

and it should come with a health and wealth warning....... ;)

ah, but the christmas parties make it all worthwhile though :)
jtrader -
I have accepted that trading often is a pretty boring way to pass time - for me anyhow. I now see - the ability to cope with this boredom and work through it, continue to work on and improve my systems and knowledge, and remain reaonably sharp and focused - as a big part of the challenge

..........Having said that - I have found trading easy to become obsessed about - and where trading is concerned - the boundaries of work and play do tend to overlap.

jtrader said:
I do find myself losing concentration/getting bored at certain times of the day, and I can sometimes dissappear into a sort of daze if I'm not careful.
This is going to sound really 'off the wall' but...

We do tend toward a 'trance' state every 90 minutes or so during waking periods. It's normal. While I prefer to use these 'opportunities' for other purposes if you don't fancy a 'faerie moment' yourself, you can (and I'm quite serious) come out of it by (a) noticing which nostril you are predominantly breathing through and then (b) blocking it and forcing the other one to take over.

Any 300 year old Taoist or Yoga Masters out there will verify.

I am thinking very hard about hitting the submit button on this one, but if you're reading this, I did.

(Oh well, there's always ET....)
That's alright Bramble,
I was just home for the holidaze and saw all the relatives. Not much you could say would scare me off at this point.....