Best Spread Trading Firm


Junior member

I'm looking to trade interest rate futures out to 30y and commodities. Which brokers are best for these types of contracts. (I may also wish to dabble in equities)

When making your recommendations please consider the following:

In terms of providing market data which is best?. Ideally I would like a platform that is as close as possible to Bloomberg. I also need a recommendation on a good platform to manage my position or at least a provider with good links to excel.

Moreover I know most if not all spreadbetting firms set their spreads not at the current level of the index but rather where they think the index is heading. So as well as providing the tightest spreads I am looking for the provider who stays as close to the market as possible at any given time.

As part of my trading I would like to trade options, is there any firm which offers you the opportunity to actively manage an options position? I'e reasoanably liquid markets across several strikes and maturities with prices not too dissimilar to the underlying market.

Lastly which providers are best for providing access to economic research? Any recommendations in this area would be much appreciated!


Have a look at Futuresbetting. Doesn't tick all your boxes, but importantly is a DMA provider so the issue of the broker skewing markets, etc doesn't arise. Main negative is that the transparency doesn't come cheap if you only trade low volumes, but if you're set up with Bloomberg I'm guessing that's not an issue.

Thanks JoC,

I'll take a look.

Sadly I don't have Bloomberg access currently. I'm looking for a cheaper alternative but am using Bbg as my benchmark.