best spread betting service?


i am looking to open an account, i know there are many different sites around. can anyone reccommend their favourite for tightest spreads/ level of service

with thanks and best wishes
molojo said:
i am looking to open an account, i know there are many different sites around. can anyone reccommend their favourite for tightest spreads/ level of service

with thanks and best wishes
Capital Spreads is my own favourite by far.

I believe that they have probably only the second-tightest spreads, overall. But they definitely have the best customer service by a long way, and they rightly pride themselves on it. And IMHO it's thanks to competition from them that some of the others are now "cleaning themselves up" a bit in this department.

I believe that the tightest spreads overall are probably at Deal4Free, along with IMHO the second-worst customer service in the industry. (I think Finspreads is probably even worse, but wouldn't use them anyway for other reasons).

There will be almost as many opinions as traders using the SB firms. More, in fact, because round here the strongest opinions sometimes belong to people with no experience at all! :)
Above all, stay clear of Steal4Free....uh, meant deal4free.

lots of other threads about spread bet accounts on this site so worth looking at them first
Tried Cantor Index and IG index but happiest with Capital Spreads.

Great customer service and tight spreads and hardly any problems with chart differences or bias. Theres a lot to read in the Capital spreads thread but well worth a look when you have the time.
IG have a wider spread than Cantors. Cantors don't have so many stocks listed online, but you can trade them via the phone.
thanks for all your replies, sounds like capital is a favourite... do any of these accounts offer premium charting/research services alongside?... would be a nice bonus, anyway will check out past threads out now, thanks again
Unfortunately, charts are not CapSpreads' forte, it must be admitted. They do have charts, but they're 15 minutes delayed, which is no use to me at all. :(

On the other hand, I trade mostly Forex, and ProRealTime is so good, so reliable, so low-priced and such a pleasure to use that I don't care. :)
molojo, SB's or not, it depends on your time frame and market. If your not gettin it right, the tightest spreads in the world wont help, and if you are gettin it right then i suppose savin' a couple of points here and there all goes into the pot!
Hi Molojo, I agree with Rudeboy. Me and my partner have been trading spreadbetting for a while and it is important to get a trading system that makes money and works for you before worrying the spread. In my experience, a lot of SB are offering the same spreads - about 2 points wide, however Finspreads seems to be ok!
molojo, SB's or not, it depends on your time frame and market. If your not gettin it right, the tightest spreads in the world wont help, and if you are gettin it right then i suppose savin' a couple of points here and there all goes into the pot!

That is the crunch of the whole matter. I am with FS and feel that, with 2 points on FTSE , if I get the direction right I must make money.

Some folk have had trouble with FS. So far, I haven't, but I have been around here long enough not to trust dealers. My worry, which I haven't had to experience yet, is that I trade up 10 GBP per point, which puts me in the small fry category. But how would they (I'm talking about any SB, now) react if I was to trade higher? Could I trust them at 30-50?

I've been with Finspreads for a few months and have found their level of service very professional. Their spreads though not the tightest are very competitive and I love their platform. :cheesy:

A lot a of people seem to favour cap Spread, but whilst dealing them I found a few things rather annoying - rejected prices, can't trade markets out of hours on line.

Hope this helps ! :)
Deal4free have got the best trading platform by far. but they need to get they dow futures price in line with others,
CMC skewed indices prices

See what you mean SUN123! CMC might have the tightest spreads but that seems irrelevant when you compare their US index quotes (eg US30=Dow), to the real cash value of the Dow Industrial etc. You'd like to think that the bid/offer spread would be sitting either side of the cash price (which they used to) but instead prices seem to be off by 4 points regularly and up to 9 points other times. S&P isn't much better.
At least their US stocks have their 5 point spread evenly spaced over the cash price!
to be honest i recoment that the people trade only ftse100 stocks with D4L, why someone has to trade 5 point and delayed prices with them when you can have direct acces and less costly, also for people who trade big amounts index futures trading is much better.
why someone has to trade 5 point and delayed prices with them when you can have direct acces and less costly said:
Hi Cecja, how can it be less costly to trade via a broker when fin spread betting is tax free! :D

I did not think that SB prices were delayed and 4 point spread on Dow with immediate execution upto £500 per point on line sounds good to me.....
Just a small example if you trade 500 shares of Oracle the direct access price will be 1105-06
and the spread betting price will be 1103-08, when the price on the direct acces is 1108-109 in the SB will be 1105-10 or if the SB firm beleive that the price is going up they will swich the prices meaning the price will be 1103-1108, it is not easy for me to expalin but if you try to day trade with SB firms the chances are more of loosing that wining. i'm saying this because i have it from my experience