Automated Trading


Junior member
Has anybody here written or know about what is a popular computer language auto trading systems are written in? Or do most people just use already available programs?

I'm about to take a few computer science classes and want to know which ones would be more useful in trading. Thanks :)
The only language you need is pips.

10 REM == Language of Pips ==
20 FOR PiggyBank = 1 to 10 DO
30 Position = CALL BuyPips ( PiggyBank )
40 Profits = Profits + SellPips ( Position )
50 NEXT PiggyBank
60 REM == Important pips logic ==
70 IF Profits > 0 THEN
80 PRINT "I am happy, happy."
100 PRINT "I am looser. Need to get real job"
110 END IF
Has anybody here written or know about what is a popular computer language auto trading systems are written in? Or do most people just use already available programs?

I'm about to take a few computer science classes and want to know which ones would be more useful in trading. Thanks :)

Learn C#
Thats what most platforms use :)
Have you had any experience writing trading programs?

Here are some MS resources, although it has to be said, if you are going to study it
properly it may be better to start with a clean slate.
For instance, I have no idea whether Visual C# is the industry program of choice.
Any references to the C# language should still be relevant though.

Anyway, if you are interested:
Visual C#
Learn Visual C# on MSDN
C# Programming Guide
C# Reference
Softsteel Solutions: Tutorials
Here are some MS resources, although it has to be said, if you are going to study it
properly it may be better to start with a clean slate.
For instance, I have no idea whether Visual C# is the industry program of choice.
Any references to the C# language should still be relevant though.

Anyway, if you are interested:
Visual C#
Learn Visual C# on MSDN
C# Programming Guide
C# Reference
Softsteel Solutions: Tutorials

Thanks a lot LV I really appreciate that. I'm looking into it now.
Has anyone integrated Microsoft Visual C ide with ninja, ie compiling code in it using the ninja librairies.
Thanks Im going to try to see how far I get with it.

No I havent. Do you use Ninja Trading for auto trading? Do you think it is worth the $1000?

Good pt, I'm on a trial right now that ends next month for VS, as far as ninja trader goes, that depends I think if you are forward thinking it would be worth it. I'm unemployed and not at all good at trading but who knows with all the screen time I've been getting that may change. Wonder if beginner joe can help with integration, let us know joe.
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Not sure what you are after but if all you want is to code an algo, you can do all that within ninja.
The only reason you would need to compile in Visual is to provide Ninja with some sort of
external added functionality or to code plugins etc.
The internal algo coding language in Ninja is C#, same as the source code.
I'm unemployed and not at all good at trading but who knows with all the screen time I've been getting that may change. Wonder if beginner joe can help with integration, let us know joe.

Come back when you are profitable. Then we can discuss further. I am only interested in sure bets.
Most black boxes that we connect to are in C# or if old, C++

Some TA systems use bespoke langauages or Java.

To be honest, the language doesn't really matter. What's important is to get your system doing what you want it to do, getting it to then talk to a router/hub for automation is secondary as the customer or bridge can build a 'plu-in' to make the connection.

The sensible route however is to decide first the routing system you will be using and the clearing broker and then design your system to fit.
If you are just looking to develop your own trading strategies, not professionally but personally, then go with Metatrader and MQL4 or MQL5. It's very similar to C, C# or Java. Lots of brokers support it. It's very easy to learn and has great backtesting tools.
nowadays c# Java are popular, but language doesn't matter. Some software provides similar function.
Your could look into Tradestation and there Easy Language. Attached is the PR for one of my strategies that I built with Tradestations EL.



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