I am a 44 year old man and happily married.
However in anticipation of a trading session during my pre-market preparation, I often feel compelled to view pornography with the sole purpose of indulging in onanistic pursuits. This seems to have a positive effect on my trading performance, although to be fair I have never really performed a statistically significant forward test to prove this.
It is perfectly natural to assume your actions are normal. Many young men and old bull queers, think this is the norm. It is, for them. Instead of pornographic material, some will verbally ejaculate via on-line websites of a trading nature. This is also very normal, for them.
This is all linked to childhood.
Think back now to your earliest memories. Did you perhaps have a mother, and/or a father? This is often the root of the problem and the cause of all your problems. Did they perhaps not give you all the toys you wanted? Or maybe not all the sweets you craved? *******s! They are to blame. Not you. Imagine your mother or your father now subjugated and terrorised by your enormous power and manhood. Feels good, doesn’t it. Now, deprive them of their dignity as they did yours when you were powerless. Not so clever now, are they? Make them suffer. Hurt them. Yes!! Stick it in! Do it! Do it!! Do it!!!!
It’s also OK to fantasise about people and things. As long as you do it in your own head. Or in your wife’s wardrobe when she’s out shopping. As long as nobody else is involved. Or if they are, only by consent. And by consent us psychologists mean the giving of consent by sign or word. If they are unable to talk, such as by being bound and gagged or unconscious through the administration of drugs, any sign such as muffled cries or stifled screaming, trying to climb out of 3rd story windows or scratch their way through solid oak door suffices to signify consent.
As for seeming to have appositive effect on your trading performance, you don’t actually trade after the orgasm, do you. You just think you do. The moment of surrender weaves a spell upon you which your bottom line will all too quickly show you to be maya once you have regained your composure. And flushed the tissues.
Unfortunately my wife caught me this afternoon whilst I was simultaneously watching some adult material and the release of the NFP figures. I did try to explain to her that this is all part of my trading strategy but she is not having any of this.
She doesn’t give a sh!t any more. You’ve been caught the wrong side of the cat flap once too often and she recognises you for what you are. The sneer on her face and the disgust in her voice should have been sufficient to let you know this. Your own self-loathing and utter disgust at your existence was an indication to you of at least your basic ability to recognise the abject piece of sh!t you have become, but like all traders, you manfully ignore the obvious and assume you’re actually just a tweak or two away from being OK.
This is also perfectly normal. Carry on as you are. You seem to be on the right track.