Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Thanks...... makes you realise how widespread it is!

like all stats though “slightly” misleading in a lot of countries just don’t have the capacity or capability to test for COVID-19.
Even more scary, percentage of deaths must be about the same the world over. Lets assume 4% based on the China figure, which would mean a lot of those countries have a lot more people infected than are being reported.
According to tripadvisor (good source of commentary from people actually in location), Benidorm is in lockdown, shops, bars and cafes shut, panic ensuing, police on streets, the Costa del Sol is about to get wiped out, lots of old and elderly on their long Winter breaks. Can almost imagine a war time body bag situation, repatriation needed, but no flights, chaos.

Ibiza, Majorca it's all going into lockdown.

Maybe because of

Well, you can listen to the 'experts' or use your own noggin'. My inner voice tells me that masks and gloves might be a tad safer than bare skin, after all professionals wear them, I have just joined the ranks of professional Coronavirus avoider, everyone else is an amateur in this current game.

It's a game of risk, assess your own risks, mitigate accordingly - good luck!

PS. Disposable latex gloves, wear, pinch the edge at the wrist, peel off, inside out into the bin, no need to touch the outside, safe and sound.
Benidorm webcams

Going to play badminton this weekend. Hand shakes to be omitted.

One colleague is in isolation. Working from home.

Feels like we have an invisible zombie invasion. Quite nice not having crowds n noise everywhere.

Also good peeps having couple of weeks rest n reflection thinking about loved ones.

Communities pulling together.

Has positives. It's going to be all about heart and what really matters.

Still feel it's a little over cooked. Normalisation will soon follow.
Anyone else investing in bidet companies?

Practically, all we can do is minimise contact, by shopping off-peak hours, etc.
Fill your car up with fuel.
(thing i hate is everyone else is bulk buying up pasta, soup, soap, etc, and not leaving stuff for others, so the sensible people get screwed)
Its an odds game.
I am staying home this weekend, and finish off my spring cleaning.

Erm, badminton?! Hope you don't have changing rooms with water droplets in form of steam from showers everywhere, unless you're planning to drive home all sweaty and shower at home.
EDIT: apologies if I am being over-dramatic. but a haze of steam, in proximity of your face and mouth?
Anyone else investing in bidet companies?

Practically, all we can do is minimise contact, by shopping off-peak hours, etc.
Fill your car up with fuel.
(thing i hate is everyone else is bulk buying up pasta, soup, soap, etc, and not leaving stuff for others, so the sensible people get screwed)
Its an odds game.
I am staying home this weekend, and finish off my spring cleaning.

Erm, badminton?! Hope you don't have changing rooms with water droplets in form of steam from showers everywhere, unless you're planning to drive home all sweaty and shower at home.
EDIT: apologies if I am being over-dramatic. but a haze of steam, in proximity of your face and mouth?

The badminton is just the excuse for the meet up. 🤭

So, the death rate seems to be around 3 - 4 % between the two strains.
(mostly knackered old codgers already shuffling towards the abattoir anyway)

Infection rate, after lock-down measures taken, comes out at 50 - 300 ppm ie less than 3 ten-thousandths of population.

Making the chances of actually snuffing it from this Corvid-Killer-Bug pretty slim to minuscule for the average human.

Overall, a lot of fuss about a fraction of a fraction % cull of past-breeding-age individuals that will have no impact at all on population growth or demands on goods and services needed by said population.

Given the stock and commodity price drops to date.

= arguably the best speculative money making opportunity in the last 90 years or so (excluding wars, of course).

Or am I missing some essential fact or factor ?


So, the death rate seems to be around 3 - 4 % between the two strains.
(mostly knackered old codgers already shuffling towards the abattoir anyway)

Infection rate, after lock-down measures taken, comes out at 50 - 300 ppm ie less than 3 ten-thousandths of population.

Making the chances of actually snuffing it from this Corvid-Killer-Bug pretty slim to minuscule for the average human.

Overall, a lot of fuss about a fraction of a fraction % cull of past-breeding-age individuals that will have no impact at all on population growth or demands on goods and services needed by said population.

Given the stock and commodity price drops to date.

= arguably the best speculative money making opportunity in the last 90 years or so (excluding wars, of course).

Or am I missing some essential fact or factor ?


It's not really about the death rate (bad as that is), but more about the disruption to people's lives/ plans/ earnings, not to mention the loss of businesses and economic activity.
I doubt there is any quick fix here, but lots of potential for downside and a total change in the way we live in future.
. . . Or am I missing some essential fact or factor ?
Yes, I agree with you and don't share the very gloomy outlook of c_v and sig'.

That the death rate is primarily among the elderly suffering from pre-existing health issues offers the additional 'benefit' of alleviating the strain on the NHS and social care etc. That's good for the public purse and services. A callous observation that's not meant to be unkind (my sister and aunt fall into this high risk category). However, the really major point about this event is that it's nothing like the financial crash of 2008 which was the consequence of catastrophic system failure within the financial services sector. That's not the case now. Whilst businesses will suffer in the short term, growth and prosperity will return very quickly as soon as the virus is on the wane. There are already indications that it's peaked in both China and Italy - although it's perhaps too soon to say for sure. The minute we're over the hump as it were, I expect the markets to rebound very quickly and as dramatically as they fell. As always with trading (and investing), getting the timing right is the really tricky bit. My guess is that the big money has algorithms in play that are monitoring news channels, podcasts and talking heads worldwide and, as soon as they detect the faintest whiff of change in sentiment (i.e. from very gloomy to marginally less gloomy), they'll be hitting the buy button with gusto.

Just my £0.02p worth - probably wide of the mark!
Western Govt's are not taking this seriously enough, which is why the spread is now out of control.
When we look at the test positive figures, the numbers are growing exponentially. The additional problem is that there are a host of epicenters as opposed to the Chinese Wuhan situation. The Chinese cracked down hard and were able to get this under control. Western Govt's are failing to take the same measures to deal with the problem.
By Monday, the rest of the world will have overtaken the total cases in China. The charts look very different between mainland China and other locations.

I'm in favour of them not taking this seriously.

I'm in favour of them not having 'cracked down hard'

That's why I don't live in China.
So what's your point?

How hard CV, would you like your government to crack down on the problem?

Would you comply with:

  1. Compulsory face masks
  2. Being told to stop what you're doing and go home immediately
  3. Forced blood tests and swabs on demand
  4. Forced quarantine
  5. Welding shut the main entrance to your residence
  6. New emergency laws to section those who refuse to comply
  7. Silencing dissenting voices
  8. Arresting 'known troublemakers' under the pretense that they failed to obey the quarantine laws

Should we hold off on all of the above for now or go straight to China's shining example of caring for their citizens?
Why not shut the whole country down- Italy has (maybe), surely they know better than us?

What exactly do you want 'Western Governments' to do if not the things in the above list.
Please actually tell us.
Should we just let people who have flu self medicate at home like in the normal world we all lived in 33 days ago?

What does it feel like to have coronavirus?

One of the first people in Scotland to contract coronavirus has spoken about his experience of the illness.

He was diagnosed with Covid-19 about 10 days ago following a trip to Italy and becoming feverish

The man, in his 50s, was treated in isolation in a Scottish hospital and has now fully recovered.

"I felt no symptoms. I was completely fine and went to work on the Wednesday and Thursday. Later on the Thursday evening, I started to feel a bit of a flu coming on. I had a mild fever, I felt shivery but the biggest symptom was aches and pains, particularly in my legs.

"I was feverish - that continued through Thursday night and I didn't sleep too well."

"By the time I went to hospital, I was feeling fine. The mild flu symptoms quickly dissipated, I had no leg pain, no fever, no cough and no shortness of breath."

The patient remained in isolation for eight days and was released on Monday after two consecutive nasal swabs came back negative for Covid-19 .

"I felt well. My symptoms seemed to have gone within three or four days.

For many, it is nothing more than a bad cold, really."

Nowhere in the above story is there any mention of special medical treatment given. No mention of any treatment at all, in fact. Because there is nothing to see here.

In these 'The science is settled' times as a western leader, it's probably hard to improvise from the hymn sheet handed to you.

Maybe the rest of us should just 'trade what you see'.

When this news cycle ends it will replaced with whatever they want it replaced with..
We reckon we've had it already, bit shivery, tired, cold, pretty mild really, hot toddies and fresh air saved us.
I've gotta a mask and am ready to brave the elements in town !
Should decimate the "too proud to wear a mask " tough guys literally.