Anyone still trading the 3 Ducks system?

I'd be interested in hearing from anyone that has been using the 3 Ducks system for some time. The "best thread" on the topic was closed back in 2010 but I'm sure there must be some traders that are still using it?
What are your thoughts or experiences?
I'd be interested in hearing from anyone that has been using the 3 Ducks system for some time. The "best thread" on the topic was closed back in 2010 but I'm sure there must be some traders that are still using it?
What are your thoughts or experiences?
First thing to say is great username - like it!

The [Best Thread] is a duplicate which, as you rightly say, is now closed. It has been heavily culled to enable anyone interested to cut to the chase without having to wade through mountains of extraneous content. However, the original (unedited) thread is still very much open and going strong. Feel free to join the discussion: The 3 Duck's Trading System.