Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

If Goog dies that'll kill off nas, apple is weak anyway right now so won't take much for that to sell off.
Economy is going strong for various sectors, financials, transports, etc but not necessarily for the techies. And it is earnings season which can make the difference.
Russell 2000 is making ALL TIME highs, how many other indices are above the year 2000 highs?
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When you have intel and apple red every day on 9/11x p/e and garbage like AMZN hitting new highs every day then you know the market is mad.
We are reaching new highs.

It is GOOG earnings after the close.

Buy the rumor and sell the news ?
When you have intel and apple red every day on 9/11x p/e and garbage like AMZN hitting new highs every day then you know the market is mad.

Intel Amazon, Apple. they all make/provide a superb service or product.

Dow strong into the close, should mean strong tomorrow.
google's results were better than expected

Huge spike on Dow after market closed. Hope no one went short !
IG client sentiment - 87% short on ftse and 81% short on Dow.
Must be quite a few of their clients in drawdown at the moment !
what is causing this upsurge ....the media would have us believe the world is gripped in debt and we are all doomed.... have we been duped once again?
IG client sentiment - 87% short on ftse and 81% short on Dow.
Must be quite a few of their clients in drawdown at the moment !
butit is really goin to need extra good news to maintain this intense uptrend
Dow futures
5 min data
aqua lines of support currently sitting in the 13575-13600 area
so possibly a consolidation and a rethink in this area
no real downside signal as yet.those shorts might have to sweat it out
what is causing this upsurge ....the media would have us believe the world is gripped in debt and we are all doomed.... have we been duped once again?

if you were a corporate investment bank and or institution would you get out at bottom or at top? the race is on for 14200

take note of the Barclays announcement looking to February
US debt February
Gold target 1800 February

Im currently short, with the exception of Gold, but I have targets and once this goes I will take an early profit probably within three days after that an exit may be hard
The earnings wernt even that great just small beats but huge stops gone off in Dow ! This is very typical of market tops bet equites finish in the red tomorrow were up nearly a 1000 in the Dow since those fiscal cliff talks at the end if dec ! World isn't getting better that fast !
if you were a corporate investment bank and or institution would you get out at bottom or at top? the race is on for 14200

take note of the Barclays announcement looking to February
US debt February
Gold target 1800 February

Im currently short, with the exception of Gold, but I have targets and once this goes I will take an early profit probably within three days after that an exit may be hard

thanks for that's an interesting chart


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The earnings wernt even that great just small beats but huge stops gone off in Dow ! This is very typical of market tops bet equites finish in the red tomorrow were up nearly a 1000 in the Dow since those fiscal cliff talks at the end if dec ! World isn't getting better that fast !

Id be willing to bet the Dow will be up 2.2% the FTSE however should hit 6243 and pullback then hit again or slightly higher thursday