Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Dax - been going up since midnight!

Hasn't stopped - yet.


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A 60 point drop in the dow and a 12 point bounce isnt going to be enough support.

Who's going to buy ahead of Wednesday?

if your short ftse and dow drop 60 points,ftse will barely move but when dow starts creeping back up fking ftse will match it point by point if not more to fk u.
and why even try to presume anything about wednesday? i dont even pretend know whats happening on wed nevermind what impact it may have
Keep the bad news flowing.

Raise the fear.

Buy the indeces till the bears poop... (y)

Tight stops. Squeaky tight. Just in case the worse happens... :cheesy:

Somebody sent me this! Should I be worried?

I READ that too, the whole article not just the headline.
I quote, "He’s currently on the lookout for the benchmark to approach that upper green line, which represents a range of 21,800 to 22,000."
He's also never forecast anything within 18 days of the event.

Should you be worried - yes you should worry you have such shallow friends. :clover:
I READ that too, the whole article not just the headline.
I quote, "He’s currently on the lookout for the benchmark to approach that upper green line, which represents a range of 21,800 to 22,000."
He's also never forecast anything within 18 days of the event.

Should you be worried - yes you should worry you have such shallow friends. :clover:

Strange thing is, I did some charting over the weekend and saw some of those numbers as S/R.

Sipped on my cup of tea and had mi biscuits... thought nahhhh, can't see it happening and made my bullish forecast on the other index as you know.

Then I come across an article writing up what I was thinking day before. :eek::eek::eek:

Gotta laf. Won't happen. Can't happen. Shouldn't happen.

Last famous words. :LOL::LOL::LOL:

I'm still going with drops after end of this week. Still too early. Spring is round the corner. Reasons to be cheerful. (y)
Britain leaving the EU, Greece in the sh1tter, Italy in the sh1tter, hows that going to affect Germany the only one left actually putting money IN to the eu (I exaggerate).
About the only thing you dont want to be shorting at the moment is the ftse, she's a beast.
Britain leaving the EU, Greece in the sh1tter, Italy in the sh1tter, hows that going to affect Germany the only one left actually putting money IN to the eu (I exaggerate).

Germany is in a win / win situ.

UK, Greece or Italy leaving will help it. Euro will fall, ECB bails out finance and show goes on.

UK, Greece and Italy, simply bear the full costs of spending money on non-productive work which doesn't gain them anything but raise taxation and public debt.

Does anyone seriously think the rest of the World will be leaping with joy to do mega business with the other three just because they are non-regulated.

Consequences fall on leavers. BAU for Germany.

Just my tuppance worth... Onwards and upwards. (y)
FTSE testing the lows of the day, dax testing the highs of the day and Dow right in the middle.

Glad to see everyone has a clear idea of whats going on. :whistling
Did anyone notice the Nikkei trade in a 38 point range last night?

Thirty Eight points! This is the market that swings 600 points before lunch!!!!