Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

FTSE just keeps going higher, and the Dow just keeps going lower.

Something's got to give.
@Atilla its Andy Kaufman (obviously) Latka from Taxi celebrated by REM and Jim Carrey in the film "Man on the moon" well worth a watch on Netflix. (y)
we selling off here??

this market needs to get back to real valuations.

the trump party is over. lets clean our eyeglasses, see the real world as it is.
I'm having a wild guess here...

The news and talk will be all -ve this week but market will make new highs. (y)
let the bulls take some profit into july, or august?

god knows they deserve it.
the sh^t is hitting the fan..

everyone is looking for a safe space

that safe space is lower, imo