Internet connections are no problem at all, atleast in Bangkok. The only real problem will be the power blinking off on you, but that's easy enough to sort out. I think it's called a USB, it keeps the computer on for a while if the power poops out. I've got 1MB or GB, I don't know, from True, and have never had any problems. I'll normally have streaming quotes running from atleast 2 or 3 different platforms at the same time, and have never had any difficulty. The Thai market itself has problems supplying data feed, but that's nothing to do with an internet connection.
This is so wonderful that there are so many traders in Bangkok. I'm a newbie myself. I've been paper trading futures, mainly the YM, and trading on the American and Thai markets with real money for about 1 year now. I spend everyday studying, and am very active over at Sorry to plug another site, I'll plug you over there too!
Anyone here trade on the SET?