Trading FX and Web-Conferencing from Thailand


Hi everyone: I am new to this site and would like to get some information specific to trading FX from Thailand if possible. I currently live and trade FX part-time from Los Angeles, USA. However, I am in the planning stages of moving to Thailand for about 1 to 2 years to focus exclusively on trading full-time. At first, Thailand seemed an almost perfect option because it would allow me to trade the full Pre London to London Close session at reasonable hours, i.e., about 2:00 pm to 12:00 midnight Bangkok time. But, as I research I have become more uncertain about the speed and reliability of the international internet connection in Thailand. I don't really do high speed scalping type entry/exits, my trade style is centered primarily on intra-day - swing - and position entry / exits. Here is my basic setup: Trade Platform is MT4; Broker is MBTrading (their servers, are in Southern California and East Coast U.S.); I use a quality CPU built to run 8 Monitors. Additionally, I am thinking about doing webconferencing as well. So I would be using something like: Go To Meeting / Omnovia / ClickWebinar. I know that Internet quality in Thailand is highly location specific. And I have heard that the international connection is often very slow. It would be a great help to me if anyone who is currently trading from Thailand, or who has fairly recently traded from Thailand could convey their experience. I'm am certain that if I go forward with my plan to move to Thailand that I will at a minimum need something like a Dual WAN Router with 2 Hardwire ADSL / Cable Connections. I know that leasing a dedicated line might be an option, but I also know that will probably be extremely expensive (something like $1,000 - $2,000 USD per month) and outside my current budget. Any information will be a great help. Thanks very much guys.
First off if you're going to Thailand, it should only be for one thing and we both know what that is 😉
Second all this mumbo jumbo about internet speed is meaningless, because one can not really scalp fx because of spreads. In order to intraday/swing trade, one has to have an idea which way the pair is going to be moving on a longer time line. To have this idea of the longer term directional bias, you don't need anything more than you already have access to. In fact, one could do this with a news paper and cell phone calling into a broker to place the trades.
I will compact a 2 hour statement into a paragraph. You will not make money trading off indicators because every set-up is independent of itself. This means one can not gauge profitability because you will never trade the same set-up, ever.
Even if you don't agree with my assessment, the idea of moving to a place that does not have the infrastructure you need is not a great idea.
I understand where you're at though, we have all dreamed of trading in an exotic location, killing the market by day, having some horny model serving us Mai Tai. When you do finally get there is won't be because of 8 monitors, $3k data line and the latest gadget. It will be when you finally know why the market is moving, in what direction and can explain it to someone that can back you.
As far as trading platforms go, you need to dump MT4 and go with Oanda. MT4 is absolute garbage. Huge gaps in weekend open in close where they're raping traders will sitting open orders and that is just the obvious. Delayed quotes, you name it, absolute crap.
The funny thing is I am using it now just because a potential employer uses it.
I could go on and on, the bottom line is that all you need at most is a laptop with 56k phone line.
What one really needs can not be bought. That is determination.
I've had a lot of internet trouble of late but it seems to have been fixed. The problem is that I am in a new house in a new Moo Baan and I only have 1 option for internet - TOT.

True Internet have always been good to me and I've heard good things about 3BB.

When do you next plan to be here? We can meet up & have a chat if you like. If you turn out not to be an axe murderer, I'll show you my setup.
Thanks for your reply Dionysus: I'm not sure when I will do the move. If I go, it will probably be sometime late this summer. End of August probably. I have to get a lot of stuff in order first. (1) I need to get my internet options clearly understood - as to is this is a realistic go / or / no go deal, i.e., I will need to know if I will be able to setup the internet capacity to do webconferencing as well as trade; (2) I have to enroll in a language school prior to leaving the U.S. in order to acquire the Education Visa which will allow for 1 year in-country with a second year extension; (3) I want to get in touch with either an individual or small IT company that might provide a setup service for ex-pats who rely heavily on the internet. I also have to make a decision as to whether I will be living in Bangkok, or Chang Mai. In doing my initial research, I have read that Muong Thong Thani, which is a suburb of Bangkok, has a reputation of having unusually fast internet (by Thai standards) due to its infrastructure (i.e., it was built as a Business / Tech Corridor.) Basically, I don't want to just "wing" this - - if I head over there, I'm gonna be staying for awhile. When / if I get there it would be great to meet up . . . I just checked out where Moo Ban is located (just outside of BKK, right?) . . . so, yes, If I end up in Bangkok/Krung Thep, it would be no problem meeting up. Thanks very much for your response - any info. is really appreciated.
In terms of video conferencing....

As long as you are an attendee, you will be fine. If you plan on regular broadcasts out of Thailand, forget it. Not unless you get a leased line and pay $3k+ per month.

As for Muang Thong Thani - it's an odd place to live, there's a convention centre there but a lot of it is a ghost town. There's a long row of high rise buildings, many of them unfinished. They were built in the mid 90's the "Asian Games Village" and all remain uninhabited. You could well go stir crazy moving straight into a place like that. You'd be better off starting closer to town.

Best thing would be to rent an apartment. If you PM me, I can put you in touch with an English letting agent. He'll let you know which places get good internet performance I am sure.

Moo Baan means village. The one I am in is newly constructed and so the ISPs are not connected yet. I'm in Saphan Sung/Krungthep Krita area. It's not a problem you are likely to encounter.
Hi everyone: I am new to this site and would like to get some information specific to trading FX from Thailand if possible. I currently live and trade FX part-time from Los Angeles, USA. However, I am in the planning stages of moving to Thailand for about 1 to 2 years to focus exclusively on trading full-time. At first, Thailand seemed an almost perfect option because it would allow me to trade the full Pre London to London Close session at reasonable hours, i.e., about 2:00 pm to 12:00 midnight Bangkok time. But, as I research I have become more uncertain about the speed and reliability of the international internet connection in Thailand. I don't really do high speed scalping type entry/exits, my trade style is centered primarily on intra-day - swing - and position entry / exits. Here is my basic setup: Trade Platform is MT4; Broker is MBTrading (their servers, are in Southern California and East Coast U.S.); I use a quality CPU built to run 8 Monitors. Additionally, I am thinking about doing webconferencing as well. So I would be using something like: Go To Meeting / Omnovia / ClickWebinar. I know that Internet quality in Thailand is highly location specific. And I have heard that the international connection is often very slow. It would be a great help to me if anyone who is currently trading from Thailand, or who has fairly recently traded from Thailand could convey their experience. I'm am certain that if I go forward with my plan to move to Thailand that I will at a minimum need something like a Dual WAN Router with 2 Hardwire ADSL / Cable Connections. I know that leasing a dedicated line might be an option, but I also know that will probably be extremely expensive (something like $1,000 - $2,000 USD per month) and outside my current budget. Any information will be a great help. Thanks very much guys.


Check out yet another retard - instead of leaving all that mental and material baggage behind where it belongs he will take it all with him to a magnificent part of the world where sheer lightness of weight and uncomplexity are Axioms 1 and 2 respectively.



>>>>> I use a quality CPU built to run 8 Monitors <<<<<<


All I got is just one laptop, a normal-for-Thailand highspeed internet connection (which is very slow compared to my home stateside) and its moooooooorrrrre than enough and the money pours in from trading the Set50 futures on the Daily chart - don't need or want realtime and therefore dispense with the liability of 99.9999999999% of the problems associated with trading.
First off if you're going to Thailand, it should only be for one thing and we both know what that is 😉

Even if you don't agree with my assessment, the idea of moving to a place that does not have the infrastructure you need is not a great idea.

I could go on and on, the bottom line is that all you need at most is a laptop with 56k phone line.
What one really needs can not be bought. That is determination.

>>>>> First off if you're going to Thailand, it should only be for one thing and we both know what that is <<<<<<


yet another retard who can't see past the SEX and revel in the myriad other fine qualities of LIFE available to the vast, vast vast numbers of foreigners who have discovered this marvelous diamond of a place to live.

>>>>>> Even if you don't agree with my assessment, the idea of moving to a place that does not have the infrastructure you need is not a great idea. <<<<<


Circular motion with the right hand.

>>>>>> I could go on and on, the bottom line is that all you need at most is a laptop with 56k phone line. <<<<<<<

Correct 100%.
I also have to make a decision as to whether I will be living in Bangkok, or Chang Mai. .

Chiangmai wins hands down.

deadbroke's locations for easy living as a trader worldwide, done in real life with Chiangmai being the best, last and final leg of the journey, no further traveling necessary as of now the 11th year running in Chiangmai. 🙂

#1 Chiangmai, Thailand (10 out of 10)

#2 Phuket, Thailand (4)

#3 Goa, India (3)

#4 Oaxaca, Mexico (3)

#5 La Paz, Bolivia (3)

#6 St. Marten, now eliminated and replaced by Martinique or Guadaloupe (3)


comparisons ...

Los Angeles (0)

London (0)

etc., etc., etc.,
Chiangmai wins hands down.

deadbroke's locations for easy living as a trader worldwide, done in real life with Chiangmai being the best, last and final leg of the journey, no further traveling necessary as of now the 11th year running in Chiangmai. 🙂

#1 Chiangmai, Thailand (10 out of 10)

#2 Phuket, Thailand (4)

#3 Goa, India (3)

#4 Oaxaca, Mexico (3)

#5 La Paz, Bolivia (3)

#6 St. Marten, now eliminated and replaced by Martinique or Guadaloupe (3)


comparisons ...

Los Angeles (0)

London (0)

etc., etc., etc.,

You should become a travel agent, wasted talent
>>>>> First off if you're going to Thailand, it should only be for one thing and we both know what that is <<<<<<


yet another retard who can't see past the SEX and revel in the myriad other fine qualities of LIFE available to the vast, vast vast numbers of foreigners who have discovered this marvelous diamond of a place to live.

>>>>>> Even if you don't agree with my assessment, the idea of moving to a place that does not have the infrastructure you need is not a great idea. <<<<<


Circular motion with the right hand.

>>>>>> I could go on and on, the bottom line is that all you need at most is a laptop with 56k phone line. <<<<<<<

Correct 100%.
Whoa calm down tight a-s, I'm just joking around having a little fun.
As the son of a university cultural anthropology professor, I can assure you I have had a huge influence and understanding of the beauty of other cultures.
I can also assure you there is nothing wrong with admiring a beautiful women.
Unlike you I have nothing to prove to myself, I can enjoy life and all it has to offer.
Lighten up man :cheesy: