Just a general qry on this, does anybody go to the bother of simulating their own prices (from the characteristics of their chosen market) when backtesting a potential system?
Im thinking along the lines of say something like an Ito process/ brownian motion/ etc. Ultimately you should end up with a recursive time dependent function like this;
future_price = (now_price * mean_return) + (now_price * random~N[0,1] * volatility_return)
Any opinions on whether this might be a better way to tweak a potential system rather than ultimately data-fitting on one data-set (of actual prices)? That is; set the parameters of your system for the best-fit over thousands of runs rather than set them so that they fit the actual data that happened.
Just a general qry on this, does anybody go to the bother of simulating their own prices (from the characteristics of their chosen market) when backtesting a potential system?
Im thinking along the lines of say something like an Ito process/ brownian motion/ etc. Ultimately you should end up with a recursive time dependent function like this;
future_price = (now_price * mean_return) + (now_price * random~N[0,1] * volatility_return)
Any opinions on whether this might be a better way to tweak a potential system rather than ultimately data-fitting on one data-set (of actual prices)? That is; set the parameters of your system for the best-fit over thousands of runs rather than set them so that they fit the actual data that happened.
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