Any Gamers?


Experienced member
Any of you weirdos gamers?

I recently had a custom gaming rig built and have been totally geeking out since!

Must have bought 15 or so games...

Currently waiting on Assassin's Creed Revelations end credits to go away (annoyed that Ubisoft dont allow is to skip). I'm a big AC fan! The stories are amazing. Bit sad that this is the end of the Ezio story, but looking forward to evolution of the franchise.

What games are you currently playing? Or past favourites?
Through the lockdown I have got back into ARMA 3 big time. Great fun, nice level of realism, huge range of free scenarios to download.
Through the lockdown I have got back into ARMA 3 big time. Great fun, nice level of realism, huge range of free scenarios to download.

Never heard of it but the Google box shows it has very good ratings!

I'm going to start the new Ace Combat game after work. Not played the franchise in years!
Looks good as a flight game. AC7 looks like the most incredible graphics.

Yeah, that's the one.
AC7, Skies Unknown
Imagine it in VR

I found it difficult to restrain myself and not buy it when I saw the trailer for it.
It did eventually go on sale for £16 on Steam.
Credit card got whiplash... that's how quick I bought it!

Waiting on the new Mortal Kombat to go on sale now :)
I aint paying £45 for a game... pfft

The last Resident Evil game I played was Nemesis... way back when!
I am a massive zombie genre fan! So thinking about getting the Remastered 1st game of the main series, then the second, and so on.

I don't know how I went from 2015 to 2020 without gaming...
Did you ever play Command & Conquer?
The originals were the best I feel... got quite lame in recent times
C&C was fantastic!
I remember it so well.

Then there were the likes of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Nintendo... or even the McDonalds game! Wow...maybe my childhood wasnt as bad as I thought! Lol

I'm not a big fan of playing online multiplayer games. I refuse to take part in the money spending rat race. I've been caught up in these types of games in the past. Life consuming.

Rocket League is the only online multiplayer I pay now, and you cant pay to win on that. Level playing field for all.
I'm hooked on this game the moment. The CGI is so realistic.

I dont get it...
I tried it out and from what I could see... when you fill a row and check, it indicates in white for colours present, and blank when not present.

I had all 4 colours by the 6th row... but that wasn't right?
I dont get it...
I tried it out and from what I could see... when you fill a row and check, it indicates in white for colours present, and blank when not present.

I had all 4 colours by the 6th row... but that wasn't right?

White = Right colour in the wrong position
Black = Right colour in the right position
Blank = Colour not present
There we go...
That;s what I was missing.
I'll go have another go shortly (watching today's Joe Rogan Podcast with Elon Musk- fascinating man)

Typo, RED = Correct colour in correct position. Black is in the original game
currently working with a few companies and big soccer clubs to bring some interesting spins into the esoccer arena .....
Yes, of course there is! Personally, I'm a huge fan of the Saints Row series. My favourite part is the third. And I really want to share my opinion about it.
Here, it's okay to get an autograph from a criminal who just shot two dozen people in front of you, or to participate in a TV show with a shooting range that encourages the killing of living people, but for every hit in a cardboard panda, you get a fine, because shooting at pandas is unethical. On the screen regularly happens something unimaginable, popular movie stars, zombies, black pimps - and even the soundtrack from Kanye West is quite appropriate and emphasizes the absurdity of what is happening.
In general, Saints Row: The Third you always has something to do. The wide range of options for setting up the character allows you to spend hours experimenting with its appearance. Even the most perverse fantasies can be realized here: for example, to put on an aristocratic cylinder, glasses, and then frighten the NPC with its uncovered dignity.
Best of all, Saints Row: The Third characterizes a scene where the hero turns into a rubber inflatable woman for a while. Volition, Inc. went to all the trouble and surpassed Rockstar three times in this. In GTA: San Andreas, of course, you could also beat other people with a dildo, but in Saints Row: The Third it's still bigger.

I only ever played Saints Row 1.
I have heard about the 3rd game however... apparently it's as absurd as it is great.
The original SR:3rd has been remastered, so I might get it (skip 2)