I have yet to find an automated system that does not work. You guys are missing the the most obvious point, you don't know where the market is going or why.
Think of it as using automation to fly an airplane, you can't put a plane into a hurricane and expect it make it through. The entire financial market is a hurricane and there are only small windows of opportunity to profit. Automation only exists to trade, because sitting in front of the computer becomes physically exausting after 12+ hours. To use any 'system' one has to already been profitable, knowing where the 'macro' factors are pushing the market.
Do you know what the price of Cotton, Oats, Natural gas are? Do you know how they relate to the curreny being traded?
You guys are buying a plane putting it on the run way and trying to fly by just pushing a button, having no idea about your load parametes, length of run way or what lies ahead 15,oooft up.
Ultimately you need some one who knows what there doing to get you to 15k up, be able to scan all the flight indicators, see there's an open window, then turn on the 'auto pilot' while continuing to monitor flight controls.
That's what trading this market involves.