Well worth listening to this chap.
Couple of things
1.) pity the US Government doesn't echo your sentiment.
2.) obviously your not qualified to be a politician. (ref to 1 above & content)
Good vid though cheers, its like it couldn't get any funnier if John Cleese and the Ministry for Silly Policies got involved......
ehh what do ya mean they have..... ?
P.S. their healthcares really crap too by the sounds of it...... I think their all probably doin the drugs themselves or something by the sounds of it, all the errors, infant mortality rates, fatality rates of the populus.. ??? And they need Trilllions of Dollars NOW to maintain these standards ???
hmmm hang on a minute, perhaps theres the mother of all Economic assissins that have been planted in the US Gov. for years ?
:idea: aha.... (Q. Mission impossible soundtrack) Al Gore , your mission should you choose to accept it is.... ? ( Cut to side profile of Al gore, sparkle off eye and teeth shot) is.... hmmm, I wonder.... what it could be....