A wake up call about the current state of the US economy

Yes very interesting. I think large number of people do know these facts. I think they are ignoring it.

Twin budget defecits, social security and ofcourse the health of the aging population coupled with pension worries.

Loss of economic competitiveness.

Impotent armed services.

Declinging birth rates.

Climate change and more destructive weather...

Couple of more wars for oil.

Dollar collapses. Financial markets tank.

A new operating system.
A new communication standard.
New media.
New revolutionary computing technology and a large part of US technology could be wiped out with a simple invention. NASDAQ could melt down coupled with Wall St.

I'm at a loss to think up anything positive... Really am. Dohhhh... Can't think of anything good boss.

That guy needs to whack his drum much harder and louder as sadly no American will give two hoots about his fellow man not having medi-cover. Has been that way for sometime not sure what will change to make anything better. :rolleyes:
Well worth listening to this chap.

Couple of things

1.) pity the US Government doesn't echo your sentiment.

2.) obviously your not qualified to be a politician. (ref to 1 above & content)


Good vid though cheers, its like it couldn't get any funnier if John Cleese and the Ministry for Silly Policies got involved......

ehh what do ya mean they have..... ?

P.S. their healthcares really crap too by the sounds of it...... I think their all probably doin the drugs themselves or something by the sounds of it, all the errors, infant mortality rates, fatality rates of the populus.. ??? And they need Trilllions of Dollars NOW to maintain these standards ???

hmmm hang on a minute, perhaps theres the mother of all Economic assissins that have been planted in the US Gov. for years ?

:idea: aha.... (Q. Mission impossible soundtrack) Al Gore , your mission should you choose to accept it is.... ? ( Cut to side profile of Al gore, sparkle off eye and teeth shot) is.... hmmm, I wonder.... what it could be....
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Hi TWI, you posted this link elsewhere, this isn''t really going to help things much is it.

Thing is us all being interconnected the way we are it's not that great for any of us if a major co-player gets into severe doldrums, irrespective of their extracurricular activities in searching for oil needing to be curtailed, which lack of funds should effectively provide...

"Japan and China lead flight from the dollar
...Data from the US Treasury showed outflows of $163bn (£80bn) from all forms of US investments. "These numbers are absolutely stunning," said Marc Ostwald, an economist at Insinger de Beaufort....
...The US requires $70bn a month in capital inflows to cover its current account deficit, but the key sources of finance are drying up one by one...."
Hi TWI, you posted this link elsewhere, this isn't really going to help things much is it.

I tried and failed to understand what you mean by this.
Ola TWI, sorry about the misunderstanding, I didn't mean that your having posted that link wasn't going to help things much in the context of threads here or whatever :D

I meant that the contents of the link seem to indicate that funding drying up for the US isn't going to help the current state of the US economy much, which won't be all that brilliant for the rest of us in an interconnected world either.
Unfortunately things are starting to look a little grim no matter how optimistic a spin you try to put on it. Fact of the matter is that the numbers just do not add up..
I am not sure I know the best way to position myself for the coming global recession or indeed far worse possibles. I fear that the US already is "forced" to start another war or two in order to sustain the economy a little longer and I think this will lead to a much more frightening future than any of us want to imagine. I am generally optimistic in my outlook but here I see we are reaching a point of transference between a dying empire and the rise of another, throughout history I am sure there are fw if any records of a smooth transition, if we get through this one alive it will probably be a good thing but living through it may not be too much fun unless you have taken action to protect your interests.