2 Explorer questions


I have just purchased Metastock 9.1 EOD package and am having difficulty using the explorer.I need to know how to go about setting up an all sectors search,to see which sector is "hot"
Secondly when that has run its course I need to know how to set up a search the "hot sector" search for the stocks which are moving up.
The users manual is long winded and not very clear or I'm stupid 🙂 please a blow by blow account of how to set these 2 up.

Regards PeterB


First of all make specific one data folder e.g. DataOne which include all your symbols .
Then open exploratiion, select New, name it

In column A Copy Paste (Only Bold Type)

1) roc(c,1,%)>5 ( list out securities having closing price change more than 5% compare to previous bar,You may change to any %, alternatively replace % by $ gives you change in S)

In column B Copy Paste (Only Bold Type)
2) Roc(v,1,%) ( same as above but for volume)

In col C Copy Paste (Only Bold Type)
3) mov(v,30,s) >= 50000 (Gives you securities with 30 days moving average of volume greter than 50000, YOu may change any numbers and replace "s" with "E" for exponetial moving average)

Then go to filter tab and copy paste

ColA or Colb or colC or ColA and ColB and ColC

Then O.K. Explore, Add securities (Path of your data folder) ,O.K.

After it Reports to view your hot list.

First of all make specific one data folder e.g. DataOne which include all your symbols .
Then open exploratiion, select New, name it

In column A Copy Paste (Only Bold Type)

1) roc(c,1,%)>5 ( list out securities having closing price change more than 5% compare to previous bar,You may change to any %, alternatively replace % by $ gives you change in S)

In column B Copy Paste (Only Bold Type)
2) Roc(v,1,%) ( same as above but for volume)

In col C Copy Paste (Only Bold Type)
3) mov(v,30,s) >= 50000 (Gives you securities with 30 days moving average of volume greter than 50000, YOu may change any numbers and replace "s" with "E" for exponetial moving average)

Then go to filter tab and copy paste

ColA or Colb or colC or ColA and ColB and ColC

Then O.K. Explore, Add securities (Path of your data folder) ,O.K.

After it Reports to view your hot list.

God Bless You
Thank you