Recent content by minime69

  1. minime69

    Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

    hi WS, no i'm not back just passing through. good to see the thread still going. all the best mini
  2. minime69

    Message For Ftse Traders......

    its ok, my system has not really performed that well on any of my markets, FTSE Gilts or Oil this last week. i should be back in the city for next month as need to make money, so going back to professional arcade you?
  3. minime69

    Message For Ftse Traders......

    where did you find these quotes? :thumbsup:
  4. minime69


    i know a few guys who have moved far far away. Canada and Aus but both of them trade non speed essential contracts, so no bor or sterling spreads, if you do want to trade spreads then move to the US of A and trade the Eurodollar, i am sure you wont get any lag. GL mini
  5. minime69


    good or bad as in connectivity? or just as a place to live?
  6. minime69

    Cyprus Traders

    sorry for delay.... STCM Trading Arcade Cyprus
  7. minime69

    ......... off Swampy

    no mention of, Elite, Marex, Schneider, Sigma or the others....
  8. minime69

    Cyprus Traders

    the company i worked for have a office in south Cyprus, part of the schneider group.
  9. minime69

    Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

    its OK, but then mechanical trading is. this takes out all the emotions of trading. good luck. :thumbsup:
  10. minime69

    Trader's Personality Quiz

    where does it advise on what way you should trade?
  11. minime69

    Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

    the FTSE cash and Future open @ 8.00, so what you are trading before this is following the US of A any hows.
  12. minime69

    Trader's Personality Quiz

    You have scored highly on a personality trait called conscientiousness. You have scored high on a personality trait called neuroticism. You have scored high in measurement of a trader's risk aversion.
  13. minime69

    Message For Ftse Traders......

    morning all, keep up the good positng's. mini
  14. minime69

    Message For Ftse Traders......

    hello guys, i wont be posting much more on this thread as i have decided to move over to oil....yes you heard right OIL. i'm still here in the background if anyone wants a chat, just email me. good luck to you all and keep posting. mini:thumbsup:
  15. minime69

    Message For Ftse Traders......

    hi Keith, how did you do today, i have not traded since Tues, back on Monday and hopefully mkt will be back to normal, well compared to this last week anyway!