Recent content by Fernando Gonzalez

  1. Fernando Gonzalez

    Indices Technical Analysis Market Overview by Fernando Gonzalez

    Over the coming week, the legion of earnings announcements will hit the market and will continue over the next few weeks. Being in the seasonally most volatile period of the year and hand in hand with some very interesting technical developments recently, we look to this period to bring in...
  2. Fernando Gonzalez

    Indices Technical Analysis The Final Frontier?

    With the Dow making new highs last week, we are now well and truly into unchartered territory. So how should you define the new targets? The action over the last week satisfies an expectation we have had for the year 2006: a fresh all-time high. The move into new-high territory was not an easy...
  3. Fernando Gonzalez

    Getting Started Money Management Risk Management Notes

    Risk management isn't just about having your 'stop-loss' in place. So what else is it about? Any trader who knows his salt will tell you that Risk Management is the single most important aspect in trading, regardless of style or technical strategy. Yet, most traders are really not able to...
  4. Fernando Gonzalez

    Psychology Right, Wrong, Poker and Chess

    Are we actually now in the bear market? And was the fall we saw in May only a prelude of what is to come? Here we take a look at the current market situation. The markets spent most of the week preceding the Labor Day weekend hesitating right at key Short-Term resistance, as marked in our last...
  5. Fernando Gonzalez

    Getting Started Technical Analysis The Big Picture Matters

    As a Short-term trader do you ever look at longer term time frames? If not, then this article will explain why the longer term time frames can influence the shorter intraday ones. Most independent Short-term Traders tend to ignore the Long-Term technical condition of the Market because they...