Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

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Tempted to go long eur/usd at 13930 ish area - target would be 14000 - sounding crazy?

edit: and FTSE long from around 4118

Looks like my entry was out by a couple of pips/points in both cases - it's that rare event when I get it right! Yeah :LOL:
i said this when market was down

Certainly agreed with buying weakness, on the same page there.

But was uncertain about the area between gap fill 4127 and R1 @ 4152.

Any failed retest of that R1, if it reaches back up, and I will be looking to short.

EDIT: Top of the daily down channel now, this 40/50 space will be interesting
Certainly agreed with buying weakness, on the same page there.

But was uncertain about the area between gap fill 4127 and R1 @ 4152.

Any failed retest of that R1, if it reaches back up, and I will be looking to short.

EDIT: Top of the daily down channel now, this 40/50 space will be interesting

Me too!! In fact I would have got in this time round but was making a sandwich and it came and went by time i got back :mad:
From my point of view I think we could and should still make currency calls and setups on here - unless WS has other ideas? And the other thread is just purely for AM range breakout setup stuff.

Sound reasonable? I will go with the main consensus either way.

Sounds good G
From my point of view I think we could and should still make currency calls and setups on here - unless WS has other ideas? And the other thread is just purely for AM range breakout setup stuff.

Sound reasonable? I will go with the main consensus either way.

his thread is not mine chaps............

this thread is for all those that contribute and share their analysis

be it currencies, stocks or indices.............there destinies are all intertwined, knowledge of all is required in order ot trade the markets efficiently

So yes indeed Geo and others ....................fire away
his thread is not mine chaps............

this thread is for all those that contribute and share their analysis

be it currencies, stocks or indices.............there destinies are all intertwined, knowledge of all is required in order ot trade the markets efficiently

So yes indeed Geo and others ....................fire away

True, have grasped such a broader view of market dynamics and correllations by WS and others' calls and analysis here than if it had been a narrow thread solely for indices.

And I like the idea of intertwining destinies.
Agree with the correlation aspect, but as pointed out by someone earlier , maybe keep the setup ideas in another thread (so they dont get lost), and keep this one for calls/analysis ?
Agree with the correlation aspect, but as pointed out by someone earlier , maybe keep the setup ideas in another thread (so they dont get lost), and keep this one for calls/analysis ?

I find that makes the most sense imho.

Calls & analysis on here, specific thread for the range set up so thats in one place for reference and study separately, won't drown out everything else too - that sounds the best plan to me.

Retest 4150 coming?

EDIT: It's been a case of higher highs and higher lows planly seen on the 10M, trending up...I'm still neutral here
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OK chaps...........

very true go with concensus..........

I have just read this and it really is scary how indebted we are in the west, we are just living on borrowed time

"The overnight drift in the EUR/USD was triggered partially by a bearish column in UK Telegraph by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard who noted that the public debt of various EZ member nations was beginning toclimb perilously close to 100% of GDP. In Spain the protracted recession could push the debt levels to 90% by 2011. In Italy the numbers are rising to 116%, Greece to 109% Belgium to 101% and France to 86%.
The debt explosion in the EZ is a clear concern to many analysts who fear that stringent budgetary cuts that would need to be enacted in order to prop up the sagging balance sheets could end up fracturing the union. Mr. Pritchard further argues that the fiscal problems in the EZ are compounded by ECB’s staunch refusal to join the rest of the G-4 central banks in creating near Zero Interest Rate Policy conditions along with enacting an aggressive quantitative easing program. The end result is a massive credit crunch in the region as M3 values contract at an alarming rate while the velocity of money slows to a crawl.
We have long been a critic of ECB’ s Bundesbanker-like policies and also believe that the current monetary policy by Mr. Trichet and company could stifle the nascent economic recovery and plunge the region into a deflationary spiral. However when it comes to the EUR/USD the competition between the two largest economies in the world appears to be a race to the bottom. While the European fiscal problems are clear, US faces its own set of headaches not the least of which is the simmering budget crisis in California – the 8th largest economy in the world.
California's budget woes have grown steadily since the housing bust of 2007. The state has been hit especially hard by foreclosures, and has been hampered by steep drops in tax revenues and by high unemployment. In 2009, tax receipts were down 27% from the previous year. After failing to come to an agreement the state has started to print i.o.u’s. The situation is clearly untenable and if the California budget deadlock turns into fiscal catastrophe requiring federal rescue or intervention, the buck could come under selling pressure as well. For now the tense standoff on the fiscal front in both Europe and US has resulted in largely rangebound trading in the pair a state of affairs that could continue for a while until the market see some clarity from the policy makers."
Is it just me or are we witnessing a break out on the FTSE

I am using my sisters laptop so I can't post charts sorry
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