My Live trades

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I have been managing a multi million pound share portfolio since 1989 and still am now

t2W must have the highest number of millionaire fund manager's, who very graciously take time off managing huge portfolio's, to post here and let us know about the benefits of following their system or maybe taking some coaching from them.
t2W must have the highest number of millionaire fund manager's, who very graciously take time off managing huge portfolio's, to post here and let us know about the benefits of following their system or maybe taking some coaching from them.

Its my family's Trust Fund belonging to 5 of us.
I have been trading consistently online since around 1997/8 when I had a ridculous set up using a modem to trade oil (mainly without up to date charts). I have been consistently profitable for about the last 7 years online (some years better than others).

I started actually "trading" (remember there is more to life than the Internet) around 1978 when my Father got me hooked on buying penny shares through his broker. I have been managing a multi million pound share portfolio since 1989 and still am now, where I make all the decisions. This also has grown exponentially. For instance at the worst of the credit crunch, I bought Banks. I brokered Corporate MTN's for a while with a partner also in the late 90's after I left the music business. This really is getting v boring indeed and has nothing to do with the subject content. If you don't believe that the above experience has any value then to be honest I'm really not that bothered! I think this should just be a blog sticking to the trades and nothing but the trades.


I had no idea about all this WalterMittyTraders. I do apologise, you must be a great trader. I fully understand why someone who has "been managing a multi million pound share portfolio since 1989" which "has grown EXPONENTIALLY" would want to charge no-hopes a few hundred quid for mentoring.

That portfolio must be worth tens of millions by now, if it's been growing exponentially sine 89.

I salute you LiarLiarPantsOnFireTraders!

I mean honestly, can there possibly a person in the world stupid enough to take this sh1t seriously?
The family Trust fund is through Quilter which was recently sold to Citi Group. Prior to 1989 it was managed by Barclay Trust. We wrested it away from them as it was under performing. It was quite small in those days, so we diverted some of the coupon revenue to a Capital Account. We then used the Capital account to make additional purchases and this has resulted in some very good Capital growth since then to the size it is today. I am one of two Trustees, the other is my brother who takes no interest day to day, so it falls to me to manage the fund. There are 5 family members

That ok with you or would you like some more details of my private life? I have many Music Business stories for example which I have been known to bore people to death with after a few drinks - perhaps you would like a few of those as well? Of course they could not be true either could they? - like those details above either.


I had no idea about all this WalterMittyTraders. I do apologise, you must be a great trader. I fully understand why someone who has "been managing a multi million pound share portfolio since 1989" which "has grown EXPONENTIALLY" would want to charge no-hopes a few hundred quid for mentoring.

That portfolio must be worth tens of millions by now, if it's been growing exponentially sine 89.

I salute you LiarLiarPantsOnFireTraders!

I mean honestly, can there possibly a person in the world stupid enough to take this sh1t seriously?
So in the spirit of lultz for a change and as I threatened Bandit with it anyway, while we are all waiting for the next trading opportunity on the 3 rising daily trends as mentioned by myself time and time again almost to the point of boredom, I'll entertain you with one (and this will be the one and only I promise) story from my days in the Music Business. After all if Bandit et al can turn up and spout his usual rubbish whenever it suits him without checking his facts first, then you will allow me to entertain you also with my own rubbish - which of course also couldn't possibly be true...

This story concerns the first time I met Richard Branson (unfortunately one of many other stories I have been know to bore people with - humour me, I'm gettting on a bit now, it can't be helped)

In 1982 I had been in the Music Business already for some 7 years and by then had a Studio Complex and a Record Label. The record label was an "indie" label which had become very credible largely due to the efforts of NME championing a couple of our acts, Dead or Alive and Wah (Pete Wiley) - probably all before your time. I had also signed another new act China Crisis and decided that if I was going to move this on, I needed funds and much better marketing and distribution, so I knocked on a few doors and ended up at Virgin Records in Vernon's Yard talking to the MD Simon Draper. Now Simon had ended up in that position because in the 70's he had turned up at Branson's Regent Street mail order record outfit (about three floors up) looking for a job and claiming that he was his "long lost second cousin from South Africa" Branson knew he wasn't any such thing, but gave him a job anyway. Simon and I then started thrashing out the details of what was to become a joint venture label (under my label name) and then refered me to Virgin Publishing, hoping to get the publishing on the acts as well. So I went over to see a guy called Richard Griffiths at Virgin Publishing a couple of days later and we started thrashing out a joint venture Publishing deal. This was at a new building Banson had acquired down the road.

Anyway there we were arguing over the finer points three floors up in this new admin building for Virgin, but we kept on being interupted by some sort of commotion going on out in the street below. Eventually I decided to go and see what was going on. All I could see was a crowd of people with cameras pointing up at what looked like our window and taking pictures and shouting. We tried to resume the meeting but it became really impossible. So I went to the window again and this time they saw me and started frantically pointing to a spot on building outside. So I opened the window and saw Richard Branson desperately clinging to the side of the building and standing on a 9" ledge. So I told him to come slowly towards me and he started inching his way along the ledge until finally he got to our window. I opened the window and helped him inside off the ledge, 3 floors up, to the applause of the crowd below. Then Richard Griffiths turned to me and said "have you met Richard Branson?"

We did that deal and one or two other things as well until later in the 80s Branson tried to buy me out (unsuccessfully). A few years after that he sold Virgin to EMI for £500.00m. As part of that deal his MD Simon Draper who had turned up at the original mail order business claiming to be Branson's long lost cousin, got £80m...
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He was trying to publicise his new Publishing Company building and had gone out onto the ledge and invited the press to take pictures of him. Typical Branson stunt
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