Looking for a new Spread Betting home...will be moving from IG...Tips welcome

The spreads are the same as Cityindex mostly...and the rebate means that if you trade a decent amount your trading costs are cheaper, what's the problem? Anyway, again not the point of this thread. Just wanted suggestions and to share what I was trying. I am now using Partymarkets live, and am satisfied so will stay there a while with half of my trading capital and claim my 15% back each month thank you very much! Still looking for a home for he rest!
Try prospreads.com - but if you making money with IG seems a little silly to move.
Well, There are ups and downs to www.partymarkets.com, but the fact is that the markets I trade end up cheaper than anywhere else once you take into account the tradeback scheme. I also like the unlimited 10p for testing strategies. The platform itself isn't the MOST innovative, but it's solid and I'm happy to use it as one of my accounts...
Prospreads is probably the best bet! Avoid ODL and CMC at all costs!

Why do you say avoid CMC at all costs? I´m not challenging your comment just interested in your experience.

Thanks in advance
GEKKO GLOBAL MARKETS (formely VDMGM) offer a 25% bonus which can never be withdrawn, but can be used to trade with - alternatively, new accounts can opt for a hundred pound bonus. Bit of a clunky platform, and high margin requirement. Prices and customer service are very good - but I'm definitely an IG fan - they are the best by miles - I don't need bonuses, just a good, flexible dealing platform and honest prices.
Why do you say avoid CMC at all costs? I´m not challenging your comment just interested in your experience.

Thanks in advance

It pains me even to think about it. Stop hunting, 5 minute order fills, call the dealing desk to close orders, etc etc etc...
Hello Tickdoc I think IG's platform is certainly the best in the industry. But like some said, £100K account is peanus with them and if you don't feel being valued there, your best bet would be trying the new SB firms. There are Shortsandlong, Partymarkets, Prospreads, Gekko Global Markets. They all offer some incentives for signing up so why not take advantage of them ALL?

Also, if I were you, I'd ring the sales desk and as for a senior dealer to discuss on any 'kickbacks', such as reduced financing charges (IG charges 250bp above or below Libor and it used to be 350bp a few years back). If you trade rolling products on £100K account the financing charges can be very significant over time.

Good luck buddy!
"why not take advantage of them ALL?"

Got a point! Are they all backed up by decent companies though? Obviously partymarkets.com gets it's name from the parent company, something I like because they are a stable listed company and that gives a bit of security...
sorry Jack I'd assumed they'd offer some incentives as a new company but obvious they don't!
Tickdoc I think every firm is now putting client's money in a seg account so you should be fine. i'm not sure if you deal with partymarkets then your money will be with partygaming, i think your money will be held with Cityindex who provides the platform.
I actually tried their demo! Actually a nice platform, trades direct from the chart, a lot of extras, wasn't stable enough on my systems though...