Free iPhone 4 (or other goods) Affiliate Marketing


Established member
Ok so some of you know about affiliate marketing, here's a great one... basically you need to be referred by someone
who is already on the program, i have a link below... once you click this link you can sigh up for the free service, that
will give me 1 credit and will also give you your own link where you can collect credits, once you have completed an
offer free or not you are able to cash in, and you need a minimum of 2 to cash in something small like an iPod Shuffle
To get something more expensive like a 32GB iPhone 4 you need 29, but its not hard to get 29 mates who want a free
iPhone is it, once you get your mates to sign up on your link the iPhone is yours.

If you would prefer to go for something of a lower value then the good news is that you will need less referrals, as an
example: iPod Shuffle (2 referrals) iPod Nano (8 referrals) Nintendo Wii (7 referrals) And if you like they'll even let you
go for something of even higher value than an iPhone 4 eg MacBook Air (43 referrals)

The referrals are not even hard, you are getting someone to try out a free service and they themselves get paid a gift too!

I have been waiting for 2 weeks before i properly bothered as a friend did it and i wanted to see his results, anyway
he got 32 so got the iPhone 4 and the iPod Shuffle sent to his door from Amazon, i was baffled to who pays for all the
goods that come out, but its the companies you try out..... so if you try LOVE FiLM for the 14 day free trail and at the
end write if it was good or not, they are paying towards phone for the person above on the chain... all the people who
sign up below you, are paying for your phone, so once you have 29 people who have signed through your link, thats
it you have done the work they wanted you to and you simply go to the gift page and select a gift!

Completing the offer:

They give you a choice of many companies that would like you to try their service at a massive discount, but as said
earlier LOVE FiLM is a great one because its completely free with no obligation and you get free DVD's. If you are in
a country where LOVE FiLM does not operate then don't worry there will be other offers that are either free or the cost
of a take away at a maximum, so don't worry under no circumstance will you be making any big commitments.

Referring Friends:

Once you have signed up and done step 1 and 2 your 'Refer Friends' link will be validated, you give this link to your
friends and once they sign up through you and complete an offer they count as 1 referral and it will log on your Account.
Once they have completed steps 1 and 2 they are shown as a completed referral, once you have the desired amount of
completed referrals on your account, thats it you can claim your gift, simple and enjoy... i have got quite a few to sign already. If you want to give it a go then you need to be referred so click my link which will take you to my referral page:

Enjoy and good luck referral hunting!
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Trader333 why would you remove link, without it the threads is useless

This is nothing dodgy, its legitimate and i have seen it work, And i can't
see it conflicting with any of your Vendors on here anyway

If links are not allowed then PM for more info and i can explain