1) Abolish faith schools.
2) Pregnancy Licenses.
3) Bring back military service.
4) Red traffic lights may be treated as a give way sign when turning left into another street ( or turning right into a one way street ).
5) Do away with Scottish Parliament, Welsh Assembly and NI assembly thus reversing devolution and reducing the number of politicians supported by the tax payer.
5a) Relocate British Parliament to the Geographical centre of the UK.
6) Maximum of 156 weeks ( three years ) cumulative unemployment benefit per person in a life time. Once you’ve used up your 3 years allowance that’s it ! you’re on your own.
7) If a child commits an offence but cannot be charged due to being below the age of criminal responsibility then, by default, the parent(s) or guardian(s) of that child will be charged with the offence.
8) It will be a criminal offence for any man to wear his trousers up to or above the nipple line. The medical condition known as “An accessory nipple” may be used as a defence in cases of this type.
9) It will also be an offence for men to show any butt cleavage. Roadrepair workers will be awarded an annual tax allowance for the purchace of braces.
10) People found guilty of using the word
your when they mean
you’re will be hanged.
11) Call centre staff must be able to communicate effectively using English.
12) It will be against the law to use sliced brown bread to make toast or sliced white bread to make sandwiches.
13) Fake American accents will be against the law ( Stephen Hawking you have been warned ).
14) It shall be a criminal offence to, either by act or failure to act, prevent or impede in any way the lawful activity of coarse fishing or sea fishing.
15) A duty in addition to VAT will be applied to the sale of chewing gum. The revenue raised will be used to fund the running of specialist nationwide cleaning squads for the sole purpose of removing discarded chewing gum from public areas.
16) All men aged 50 years or over who own a high performance sports car will be required by law to display a bumper sticker stating
" I'm driving around at 30mph because I'm in a MenoPorsche "
17) Pubs are part of British culture and also provide a vital public service. Therefore all Pubs will be assigned special protected status. It will be against the law to close down a Pub and any Pub which runs into financial difficulty will be subsidized from national lottery money.
[edit] thank goodness for the edit facility otherwise No 15 would have said
" for the sole purpose of removing discarded chewing gum from pubic areas "