Since you have all the answers (but none of the questions) I'll let you provide the substance for future discussions. I particularly like the need to worry about yourself as you are your own enemy. Great advice and I can guess at how that is working out for you.
Its a free world.
I clarified the question under discussion. My reply was unclear to you as you asked if I really meant something else, before stating that you had a preference which you would stick to "defiantly". Defiantly means "boldly resistant or challenging" or "in a rebellious manner". I simply suggested you read again carefully what I had written in the hope you might understand, and I would suggest a defiant posture is of no use whatsoever when trying to learn.
You reply with personal accusations of defensiveness and suggest I need to calm down. Rude and unwarranted.
You are off topic. The topic is:
Do you trade as there is a "YOU".....or.....Do you trade as there is "NO YOU" (ie. acting upon other traders actions)?
Do you see any differences between the two and what benefits are there for a trader if any?
My contribution was in direct response to the topic and a further clarification for somebody who did not see the distinction at first reading. You chime in with how it isn't necessary to know about other traders etc, you aren't smart enough, it doesn't help you, and you are happy with your own results so why bother.
If you admire the other approach as much as you say, then why not participate in the discussion or simply observe, rather than pointing out that perhaps we are thinking about things too deeply and "so what" if the decisions of other traders have an effect on our trade? You went off topic, and as befits the short attention spans and insecurities of parts of this community the thread has now turned personal with any worthwhile discussion lost in the noise. As usual here.
I'll try again with you. Who mentioned human finances? I'm not the first to point out here that the focus on money is a trap for the unwary. What about the desire to learn the truth and improve self? I think Matthew 13 is relevant to those who have tried to teach aspiring traders. Verses 15 and 19 describe those who believed it could not be done, 20&21 refer to those who were taught but did not persist and sacrifice to advance the purpose, 22 refers to those who think trading is all about greed and therefore never learn what is required to succeed, and 23 refers to the successful students.
I understand that some may not wish to read scripture on a trading site, and some others may view with distaste what they believe to be the misappropriation of scripture for other than honorable purposes. I can respect both points of view, but not the one which holds that whoever quotes scripture should be ignored. Regardless of our personal religious views the gospels do illustrate various facets of human nature, and on the other thread interesting discussion points were not being pursued. An excellent example of the human condition where unpopular truth is concerned, whether this is a profane truth or a spiritual truth. I found value in this particular chapter and hope others will too.
I did not intend to cause offense to anyone. It is unfortunate this discussion has been taken personally rather than as an opportunity to learn. Jon and Split...someone else has had similar discussions with you both before so I should know better than to expect a different outcome.
Goodbye and good luck. :clover: