www.freestockcharts.com - friends list


Guest Author
Great website this one!

Anyway, anyone want to add me as a friend on their account for the live chat service, please do.

Name: Charlie Agutter

Or post your screen name on this thread. Be good to have some people to exchange ideas with. Thanks

I trade Forex during london market hours.

Just joined this site today. THANK YOU very much for posting that website its amazing!!

Im not in the markets yet. But will go back in soon

My only trade experience was bought a stock for .78 cents it was up to a dollar in a week. Held it because I was greedy and the stock dropped to like .40 cents and then climbed back up over a dollar and I sold it.

Id like to be a swing trader and I regret being greedy and thinking the stock would keeping going up and up.

I still made a few hundred dollars on the deal. However if I wasn't greedy I could have made the few hundred in a week and moved on... Lesson learned!!

Anyways I researched the stock and had a good first experience and soon it will be time to get in the market again :cheesy:

Really excited about this kind of a website. Its fun to talk stock trading.
does free stock charts support companies listed on the London stock exchange?