I would like to ask For feedback, ideas and other tales of woe regarding spreadbetting. My girlfriend warned me off starting to do it and now Im beggining to think she was right. Ive tried various tactics from trading indicies, gold and individual shares but every time I make a bet the market moves in the opposite direction. Ive tried doubling up on these bets only to be farther out in the opposite direction. Then when I cant stand any further loses I,ll close out the position only to find hours later the market has moved back in the direction I originaly thought it would go. Stop losses have not helped the situation every time Ive set a stop loss Ive been closed out but the market has swung back again.Ive tried everything Ive started smoking again and Im turning into a total basket case. I wish Id never started but feel hooked hoping that my next trade will produce a profit if only a small one. Help me I beg of you.