Why was this post deleted ?

So you codon this behavior? As for my motive, They lie to the sales people and marketing people telling them the clients are actually making money, This is not right at all, Then when they find out , he threw us on the streets practically in a Bali with no pay nothing. These people are scum!

What goes around comes around. These people get outed!!

I knew a guy who ran a "wine investment" firm in Croydon. Pretty basic. Buy fine wines, mark them up 20% and then sell them onto people who know jack about wine using hard sales techniques. Problem was, he was never buying the wine for the investor, the basic ponzi idea that if someone wanted to sell up he could find a buyer to cover the mythical position.

This is him..


Since he got found out, he's been mugged 7 times. Twice in his own home, where they took all his watches and 2 of his cars.

He's now on the dole.

The greedy ****s keep going. Thats their problem. Eventually they rip off someone with sharper teeth.
Understanding ....................

What goes around comes around. These people get outed!!

I knew a guy who ran a "wine investment" firm in Croydon. Pretty basic. Buy fine wines, mark them up 20% and then sell them onto people who know jack about wine using hard sales techniques. Problem was, he was never buying the wine for the investor, the basic ponzi idea that if someone wanted to sell up he could find a buyer to cover the mythical position.

This is him..


Since he got found out, he's been mugged 7 times. Twice in his own home, where they took all his watches and 2 of his cars.

He's now on the dole.

The greedy ****s keep going. Thats their problem. Eventually they rip off someone with sharper teeth.

You see what these people due, Is charge them 100k up front the "The world Exchange" so they get all the markets alerts, Then they get them to LOAD 100k in trading money. Basically the whole 200k goes right in there pockets. They only let them take out 2-5k at a time. They provide fake statements going to the clients showing money that does not exist in the trading account, When the client gets to be to much of a handful , they send them all bad trades over the course of a week and tell them the account is empty.

Its a out and out Ponzie scheme and a fraud! How I found out by working there is I saw the owner only had 130k in his trading account when there was suppsoed to be over 2 million dollars in there,