Who has the MOST BASIC Day Trading Platform???


I hate TWS and TOS platforms. They are overly complicated. I do not need any fancy tools aside from hot keys and a nice level two.

Colmex has a great platform that I like. It is so basic, literally the bare minimum, but they are not regulated in the United States.

Does anyone know of a platform similar to Colmex's?

Colmex Platform:
I'm afraid i can't help myself, but i am in the same position but in the UK. I have come across Colmex via Meir Barak and it looks ideal for what i need. The likes of IG, CMC and City Index don't seem to have the Level 2 layout nor do they show volume.
TOS was built to be as simple or complex as you want....you can even program your own hot keys. Just because it has bells and whistles doesn't mean you have to ring them.

And looking at the pic you posted...that's much more complex than how I set up but I can pretty much recreate that exact layout in TOS.