Which shares


Im interested in investing in shares and have had Sharescope EOD for about 6 months, but only now starting explore its capabilitys. Ive also downladed the pfscan on a trial basis and Im looking to purchase this. What Id like to ask is, at the moment Im researching shares in the ft30, ft100, ft250, ft350, small cap, and fledgling (I think that the ft350 is made up of the ft30/100/250 anyway), this give me around 900 shares to scan. Is this a good selection to look at or should I stay within the ft350 onlt. Also if I stay with this selection can I use either the ft100 or ft350 index as my relative strengh index, or should I only use the against the shares within those indexes. Im hoping for some general guidlines really, I know from reading the bb there so many different ways. As a beginner Ithought Id start with shares and gradually progress.
Regards Robert
It actually gives you 350 shares to scan...

The FTSE350 is the FTSE100 and FTSE250 combined. The FT30 is an old index, never used today whose constituents were picked by committee to represent British Industry. They are almost certain to be FTSE100 or FTSE250 constituents.
